Man i tell you some people just dont have respect for marriage or friendships. It makes me sad.
Anyways i miss my girlfriend i havent seen her in about a week and a half and im going nuts!
Work is starting to get stupid again it always seems to get stupider along with all the people i work with (with a few exceptions).
Hey i didnt notice but i paid ahead on my car insurance! Now i dont owe shit this month, I can take that money and um... and um... ah fuck ill probably just save it.
Wow ive made a shit load of friends in the last month! Its fucking awesome! Im thinkin about takin a little trip to portland maybe... maybe for a function up there then i could chill with hippomonki and me and her can fufill the prophecy of making the child which will bring the end of all things... or some really cute fuckin babies... well its just a thought right now... *le sigh*
Anyways i miss my girlfriend i havent seen her in about a week and a half and im going nuts!

Work is starting to get stupid again it always seems to get stupider along with all the people i work with (with a few exceptions).
Hey i didnt notice but i paid ahead on my car insurance! Now i dont owe shit this month, I can take that money and um... and um... ah fuck ill probably just save it.
Wow ive made a shit load of friends in the last month! Its fucking awesome! Im thinkin about takin a little trip to portland maybe... maybe for a function up there then i could chill with hippomonki and me and her can fufill the prophecy of making the child which will bring the end of all things... or some really cute fuckin babies... well its just a thought right now... *le sigh*

ew heh yer work sucks but its a job eh?
nice no car insurance hell yeah, good friends more hell yeah, hmmm makin babies. oh but HELL YES!
thats gotta be fun