Geez here I am again... single. It feels like a sentence to jail (no congical visits and nobody writes). Its been a week since I was blind sided by my now ex gf, and Saturday and Sunday was probably the worst. For gods sake I rented "PS I Love you". On the plus side I lost ten pounds, thing about me is when Im sad or depressed, I dont eat. Its not that Im starving myself I just have no appetite, or motivation, or drive. Even masterbating feels like a herculean task. Fortunatly Im beginning to show sign of being over it. I dont look at my phone half as much as i did initially (waiting for that call or reply to my sobby text msgs that never come), i havent cried since I watched PS I love you (it was a moment of weakness and the story was so sad). Ive even gone on what i would consider a date with someone I had been meaning to hang out with since i befriended them.
I dont know what there is to miss about her... she hated all my friends and was the social equivalent of walking around with a boner in a suana. Granted she dressed nice (looked amazing the night we broke up... bitch) and she was very giving... but it all came with a BIG price tag. The sheer mental anguish and stress she put me through would be enough to make wayne brady wanna slap a bitch. No disrespect to her Im just being a bitter ex, shes still the best girlfriend i ever had, which doesnt say much about my exs. Im rambling... Ill put it how my buddy Elliot put it this morning... "Dude, its summer. What are you worried about?" Not much now dude. Might be my best summer ever.
I dont know what there is to miss about her... she hated all my friends and was the social equivalent of walking around with a boner in a suana. Granted she dressed nice (looked amazing the night we broke up... bitch) and she was very giving... but it all came with a BIG price tag. The sheer mental anguish and stress she put me through would be enough to make wayne brady wanna slap a bitch. No disrespect to her Im just being a bitter ex, shes still the best girlfriend i ever had, which doesnt say much about my exs. Im rambling... Ill put it how my buddy Elliot put it this morning... "Dude, its summer. What are you worried about?" Not much now dude. Might be my best summer ever.