The son of the blessed one has return... ok not really its just me... anywho plenty of shit has happened in the last couple of weeks including the fact that i saw A Perfect Circle and they rocked my socks i saw Matrix Revolutions tonight... I swore off sex... and i should be getting laid next week. Also i will be taking a leave of absense to attend a friends wedding im one of those guys that just stands there and crap....
News flash...
I missed the fucking shit out of this site... (indulges in large SG dose)
Ill be driving from here (Pensacola) to home (Miami) and was hoping mayube id bump into some peeps on the way there. Ok enough for now i must sleep and regain my powers for they are weak.
Love to all!!!!!!!
News flash...
I missed the fucking shit out of this site... (indulges in large SG dose)

Ill be driving from here (Pensacola) to home (Miami) and was hoping mayube id bump into some peeps on the way there. Ok enough for now i must sleep and regain my powers for they are weak.
Love to all!!!!!!!

Explain the BAMF. Im quite interested in why all your posts end as such 

i didn't hear good things about the new matrix