Yey travel time. Ive got my bags packed and ive got my tickets. It sad to leave a place youve grown into but it got to be done sometimes. I was giving a little farewell speech at this bar bq the were having for all the people leaving the office and i felt good because i was being told all my good traits.. but at the same time i was pissed cause they only acknowledge it once your gone... that sucks no one appreciates a person really and fully till theyre gone. Man thats a bummy thought. I guess that just open my eyes to people around i should appreciate more...
im going to miss my friends but im walking away with awesome memories and so man stories i can talk about. Oh ok time to pack my Laptop and have a few drinks...

im going to miss my friends but im walking away with awesome memories and so man stories i can talk about. Oh ok time to pack my Laptop and have a few drinks...
As for "If Chins Could Kill"...well, if you love Bruce Campbell as I do you'll find it pretty interesting and really damn funny! One thing that is a big bonus about the book is that it has tons of photos, sketches and etc unlike most. It is my travel book. I take it on roadtrips to kill time. The chapters are short so you don't forget what I'm reading about between trips...
"Hail to the Chief...Baby!"