Woke up this morning beside him at 6am. I had to hurry, fumble to get my belongings together to make it home in time to get dressed for work. I kissed him on the forehead and slapped his ass, saying good morning and goodbye. In his neighborhood, they resealed the lot, so my car was blocked in by some asshole among the mass that had to relocate their cars to the lower lots for the work. I found my way out, pushed music through my speakers and took the windy back roads home.
Wasn't too long and I made way to my room, threw on the nearest thing to conservative I could find and went out the door again. I feel so shameful. I caved to the cravings of starbucks on the way in to work. So, of course I stopped. Some Air Guard recruit was parked in front with his Camo Hummer. I smiled as I passed, only to reignite memories of my time in Iraq. I lowered my head and took a moment.
"Venti Triple White Mocha Skim with Whip . .. and a Butter Cookie .. Please"
That was the order. On my way out the door, I smiled again, knowing with my image there wasn't a thought that crossed his mind besides nice ass or raging youth with the tattoo's showing across my body, not war veteran or fellow unmarked soldier.
Made it to work, sitting here now. I did my time.
Wasn't too long and I made way to my room, threw on the nearest thing to conservative I could find and went out the door again. I feel so shameful. I caved to the cravings of starbucks on the way in to work. So, of course I stopped. Some Air Guard recruit was parked in front with his Camo Hummer. I smiled as I passed, only to reignite memories of my time in Iraq. I lowered my head and took a moment.
"Venti Triple White Mocha Skim with Whip . .. and a Butter Cookie .. Please"
That was the order. On my way out the door, I smiled again, knowing with my image there wasn't a thought that crossed his mind besides nice ass or raging youth with the tattoo's showing across my body, not war veteran or fellow unmarked soldier.
Made it to work, sitting here now. I did my time.
veteran....soldier.....incognito....shameful....prideful.....camo......creases.....stripes.....blouse.....desert dust in my boot laces.....oh how your journal entry gives me flashbacks. Hope your week is good.