I'm suprised I haven't seen this posted elsewhere.

Edit: It's "Embedding disabled by request". Well I guess that explains that.


Pure Awesome....
I don't get it, why do we celebrate Earth Day when the Earth's trying to kill us with hurricanes, volcanos and a myriad of deadly micro organisms?

Anyone who thinks we should celebrate the Earth should go out to the wilderness and drink from a random river. Then we can celebrate Anti-biotics day.
Are you serious? The earth is trying to kill us, because we are slowly killing it. whatever

I hope that you recycled your can of Brawndo.
the earth isnt trying to kill you, or anyone else for that matter. she just isnt a place for the weak and feeble.

but regardless of what a total fucking cunt she can be, if you can survive in her environment, then you can see how amazingly beautiful she is. and then you'd be able to understand why she would deserve her own day of celebration.

just saying.
In hindsight it probably would have been a good idea to put up this video during my debate over the "Tea Party" movement:

My favorite part is the handsome gent with the leather jacket walking behind the guy being interviewed at 2:52.
I wanted to put "SergeantPsycho is preoccupied with voluminous female mammary glands", but they cut sentence off. Well, fuck you too.

At least they let put mammaries instead of mammary glands.
Let's see someone doing a set based on this commercial:

I don't want that thing anywhere near my nuts.
Hey I love your posts on the CE boards biggrin

Just hearing Michelle the troll speak makes me sick. What a complete cunt.