hey whoever reads this shit!
it's now 4:18am saturday. I'm still up and i'm not even drunk so i guess you can say i'm a little crabby.
i went with my mom and mo to see "the village." Question: was it good? answer: DON'T BOTHER!!! then we hit up a white hen and got some smirnoff twist rasberry um...things, and went back to my mom's to watch yet another movie. All my friends are 21 so i have to be a lame-o. anyway, we watched 50 first dates....i found it to be funny but only in an adam sandler kind of way, mixed in with a sappy love story of course! BLAH!
so...i fell asleep on her couch cuz it's OH-SO-COMFY!! i was woken up by a loud ring of my telly around 2:45pm, by my drunken friends needing a ride home and things....THE DREADED DD CALL!!! i should have my own hotline for that type of shit. so i get up, drive home where the gals were waiting for me. i ran in my house to grab a jacket and then we drive back to Cathy's work to pick up her car and i slip into Rizzo's driver seat. she's so tore up she's just babbling and talking about needing to pee and stuff...i find her to be the most humorous when she's like that. she's a kick ass friend. so...i drive her to the gas station while following Cathy and then we drop her off. Cathy and i used to hang out a lot when we were kiddos but now it's kinda akward i guess. so anyway, i finally stroll back in my door around 4. it's 4:30am now, i have class in about 3 1/2 hours.
I'm So tired that if i were to go to sleep now, i'd be done for and i wouldn't get up for school.
stupid classes on saturday and the teacher that wears no shoes and has a bald ass head and the hair he has left is down to his ass! GRR to him!!
stupid clock that keeps moving when all i wanna do is get enough sleep to stop me from being the megabitch from hell all day!!
stupid weather that is confused and tries it's hardest to make me sick on a daily basis! it's fucking cold!!
= me ALL day today.
it's now 4:18am saturday. I'm still up and i'm not even drunk so i guess you can say i'm a little crabby.
i went with my mom and mo to see "the village." Question: was it good? answer: DON'T BOTHER!!! then we hit up a white hen and got some smirnoff twist rasberry um...things, and went back to my mom's to watch yet another movie. All my friends are 21 so i have to be a lame-o. anyway, we watched 50 first dates....i found it to be funny but only in an adam sandler kind of way, mixed in with a sappy love story of course! BLAH!
so...i fell asleep on her couch cuz it's OH-SO-COMFY!! i was woken up by a loud ring of my telly around 2:45pm, by my drunken friends needing a ride home and things....THE DREADED DD CALL!!! i should have my own hotline for that type of shit. so i get up, drive home where the gals were waiting for me. i ran in my house to grab a jacket and then we drive back to Cathy's work to pick up her car and i slip into Rizzo's driver seat. she's so tore up she's just babbling and talking about needing to pee and stuff...i find her to be the most humorous when she's like that. she's a kick ass friend. so...i drive her to the gas station while following Cathy and then we drop her off. Cathy and i used to hang out a lot when we were kiddos but now it's kinda akward i guess. so anyway, i finally stroll back in my door around 4. it's 4:30am now, i have class in about 3 1/2 hours.
I'm So tired that if i were to go to sleep now, i'd be done for and i wouldn't get up for school.
stupid classes on saturday and the teacher that wears no shoes and has a bald ass head and the hair he has left is down to his ass! GRR to him!!
stupid clock that keeps moving when all i wanna do is get enough sleep to stop me from being the megabitch from hell all day!!
stupid weather that is confused and tries it's hardest to make me sick on a daily basis! it's fucking cold!!

i was DD yesterday for the burlesque. heh. have a great day

yeah, they were so drunk. passed out on the ride home, and then i had to help my friend to her apartment.