Funny, with dad being so ill with the emphysema we have discussions about his death. Mind you we had a huuuuuuuuuuuge incident last week and he went down with only my 10 year old nephew here as the boy accidently let two of our female chow chows out together that we NEVER let together because they have alpha female hatred for one another. He thought he could get them broken up. NOT! I happened to pull into the driveway with a friend who was bringing me home and could barely hear dad scream! You never seen a 300+ pound woman find her old moves and fly like I did. By the time I reached him he was down, not moving. My nephew was in full shock and the dogs were locked tight on each others faces.
I knew I had to break those girls up so paramedics would come to the backyard and I knew that cops would kill my dogs, who would never hurt a human or another animal for that matter, they just hate each other. I dove on the dog that weighs around 83 pounds and was punching her like she was a man to no avail. I finally had to put her in that sleeper hold I told you all about. She passed out and my friend had finally made it to the backyard and she grabbed my dog that weighs all of about 38 pounds and threw her in the house. In the meantime, my skinny dog Daisy was tearing at the dog I had pinned from behind because she thought she had me. I was screaming for my friend to get Daisy in the house too. She finally did but Daisy nipped her because she was so frightened. Didn't hurt her though.
In the meantime I saw dad starting to roll around on the ground, Joyce, my friend noticed his oxygen had come off and my nephew was screaming now should he call 911. Dad actually yelled call them before going out again. I ran in the house, got my 2 dogs locked in rooms and then got dad's 2 dogs in his room as the paramedic showed up WITH the 5-0. In a nutshell all was ok with the dogs once I showed proof of shots and licsenses and they understood that the bite I had and the one dad had was because of trying to break them up not because they attacked us.
Dad's pulse ox had dropped to like 68. We normally breath around 99% so he was totally depleated. I was scared to death he was having another heart attack. My nephew thought he'd killed his grandfather and was in total shock still, even after seeing dad sit up when the paramedics got his oxygen back up to around 92% (normal for dad). He wouldn't go in the squad so they got a chair and took him to his car and loaded him and me and Ellis took him to the hospital. My mom came in and met us to help out.
Within 4 hours he was home with a bite wound to his thumb and I to my left wrist. Both were thru and thru but will be fine. The next monday I got him to the doc to follow up with the thumb and discuss the passing out situation. He's been starved for air for sometime come to find out. She did her thing and had him walk with and without air and he's went from a mere 4 litres continuous air clear up to 9 litres in just that one visit. He still doesn't know how to gauge this disease yet. He suffers needlessly thinking it's just normal because he's got this disease. I had noticed purple tips of fingers and toes but hell I am still learning too.
At any rate, he's only got $2000 left to pay on the house and it's paid off and this incident spurred him to tell me he's quit claim deeding the house to me when it's paid off in 09 so he can teach me how to handle homeowner's insurance and property taxes and such before he progresses further.
I'm very fortunate to have the dad I have. I only wish I'd have paid more attention over the years but you never think things will come down to this, you know?
The dad and the nephew hanging out at my sister's house recently
I knew I had to break those girls up so paramedics would come to the backyard and I knew that cops would kill my dogs, who would never hurt a human or another animal for that matter, they just hate each other. I dove on the dog that weighs around 83 pounds and was punching her like she was a man to no avail. I finally had to put her in that sleeper hold I told you all about. She passed out and my friend had finally made it to the backyard and she grabbed my dog that weighs all of about 38 pounds and threw her in the house. In the meantime, my skinny dog Daisy was tearing at the dog I had pinned from behind because she thought she had me. I was screaming for my friend to get Daisy in the house too. She finally did but Daisy nipped her because she was so frightened. Didn't hurt her though.
In the meantime I saw dad starting to roll around on the ground, Joyce, my friend noticed his oxygen had come off and my nephew was screaming now should he call 911. Dad actually yelled call them before going out again. I ran in the house, got my 2 dogs locked in rooms and then got dad's 2 dogs in his room as the paramedic showed up WITH the 5-0. In a nutshell all was ok with the dogs once I showed proof of shots and licsenses and they understood that the bite I had and the one dad had was because of trying to break them up not because they attacked us.
Dad's pulse ox had dropped to like 68. We normally breath around 99% so he was totally depleated. I was scared to death he was having another heart attack. My nephew thought he'd killed his grandfather and was in total shock still, even after seeing dad sit up when the paramedics got his oxygen back up to around 92% (normal for dad). He wouldn't go in the squad so they got a chair and took him to his car and loaded him and me and Ellis took him to the hospital. My mom came in and met us to help out.
Within 4 hours he was home with a bite wound to his thumb and I to my left wrist. Both were thru and thru but will be fine. The next monday I got him to the doc to follow up with the thumb and discuss the passing out situation. He's been starved for air for sometime come to find out. She did her thing and had him walk with and without air and he's went from a mere 4 litres continuous air clear up to 9 litres in just that one visit. He still doesn't know how to gauge this disease yet. He suffers needlessly thinking it's just normal because he's got this disease. I had noticed purple tips of fingers and toes but hell I am still learning too.
At any rate, he's only got $2000 left to pay on the house and it's paid off and this incident spurred him to tell me he's quit claim deeding the house to me when it's paid off in 09 so he can teach me how to handle homeowner's insurance and property taxes and such before he progresses further.
I'm very fortunate to have the dad I have. I only wish I'd have paid more attention over the years but you never think things will come down to this, you know?
The dad and the nephew hanging out at my sister's house recently
I'm glad that your dad and nephew ended up alright in the end, that could have turned south in a hurry. Hypoxia is not pretty, and I'm sure it's gotta be really very difficult for the both of you. I know seeing my parents sick was very, very trying for me and I'm sure it's gotta be the same for you.
As far as not paying more attention goes, I have a feelin' that your dad doesn't give it any thought at all. You've been an awesome daughter to him, and I'm sure your support and love means the world to him now.
Sorry that I've not been by here a little more regularly in the last couple of months...too much going on in the RW myself, and it seems like it's always a struggle to keep up with stuff when life is that way. Anyway, just wanted to say "hey!"