well i havent been on here for a while things have just blew my local test is tomorrow and if i pass i move to the state tests so wish me lots of luck anyhow i went to the doctor and something in one of my organs isn't right and the bloodwork seems to be taking forever and i havent felt well so i've pretty much been sleeping amd laying around......
which turned out to be a good thing because i know what my priorities are and just knowing that makes my stress level so low . now all i need is to pass this damn test and move on
It's amazing how things work out when you let go of all of your grudges, start to trust someone,and find out how much you really do love that person and how they do actually mean the world to you.
which turned out to be a good thing because i know what my priorities are and just knowing that makes my stress level so low . now all i need is to pass this damn test and move on

It's amazing how things work out when you let go of all of your grudges, start to trust someone,and find out how much you really do love that person and how they do actually mean the world to you.

good luck on your tests!

hope you get feeling better and good luck on the test