you know my man really is the biggest sweetheart in the world, he does alot for me,treats me really good and is pretty much always there for me when i need him. I love him to death and would do anything for him. I have alot going on and he's been really sweet to me this month and believe me i needed it. Well anyhow i told him this week was going to be really rough on me and that i wasn't going to be in a good mood. I'm stressed out and scared to death about how monday is goin to go and of course i took it out on him last night. I apologized a million times and am really sorry he didn't deserve it i just really didn't have anyone to vent to. but instead of being like he normally is and understanding that i was stressed he's pissed off at me. It's just weird sometimes he acts like he loves me with all of his heart and would do anything to be with me and then when i do something wrong it's like he doesn't really care if he's with me or not that he can find better . I really just don't know what he thinks or feels .like i said i love him to death but I guess i'm just going to back off i'm too stressed about other things and have to find a happy medium for myself this week . Hopefully he'll get over it and be there for me again sometimes i really do need someone to treat me like gold and be there for me ... who doesn't
More Blogs
Monday Apr 24, 2006
"Field Of Innocence" I still remember the world From the eyes of … -
Monday Apr 24, 2006
you know my man really is the biggest sweetheart in the world, he doe… -
Saturday Apr 22, 2006
today went as planned we put the boat in and are waiting for warm wea… -
Saturday Apr 22, 2006
today was nice we got the boat in the water and are ready for it to w… -
Thursday Apr 20, 2006
Today is so gorgeous out summer looks like it's on the way -
Wednesday Apr 19, 2006
i have issues this month i cant wait til its over and everythings bac… -
Wednesday Apr 19, 2006
So i have class tonight and i really don't want to go but i love ever… -
Tuesday Apr 18, 2006
Okay the whole treat others how you want to be treated thing really i… -
Tuesday Apr 18, 2006
Well i can't get over this tired thing all the time i'm just drained …