today went as planned we put the boat in and are waiting for warm weather.
I'm kinda depressed today. Did you ever sit with someone and just watch every move they make. Like how they talk to you, or look at you,or even just the little things like how they respond to the things that you say to them?
Or did you ever try so hard to find out how a person really feels about you knowing that what your thinking is really how they feel?
And i guess my last question would be....Have you ever sat around and pondered thepast just feeling ashamed of all the things you've fucked up for yourself, or the things you allowed to be done to you,or even just the simple fact that even now after all of that your still regretting some of the complex decisions that you've had to make and will make for the rest of your life?
That's pretty much my state of mind all week. i guess i'm on a mission trying to decide how to feel about things and how to go back to being a sweet heart to everyone. i'm just havin a rough time
On the positive side......... My man is at work all night hopefully in the morning he will come home, snuggle with me, and spend the rest of the day up my ass crack making me feel loved...... i love him to death it just feels like were always running around and never really have any time to just sit around and love eachother.Maybe tomorrow he'll make some can't keep his paws off me time... or maybe not it has been a while..... anyhow whatever comes about comes about It's really not up to me

I'm kinda depressed today. Did you ever sit with someone and just watch every move they make. Like how they talk to you, or look at you,or even just the little things like how they respond to the things that you say to them?
Or did you ever try so hard to find out how a person really feels about you knowing that what your thinking is really how they feel?
And i guess my last question would be....Have you ever sat around and pondered thepast just feeling ashamed of all the things you've fucked up for yourself, or the things you allowed to be done to you,or even just the simple fact that even now after all of that your still regretting some of the complex decisions that you've had to make and will make for the rest of your life?
That's pretty much my state of mind all week. i guess i'm on a mission trying to decide how to feel about things and how to go back to being a sweet heart to everyone. i'm just havin a rough time
On the positive side......... My man is at work all night hopefully in the morning he will come home, snuggle with me, and spend the rest of the day up my ass crack making me feel loved...... i love him to death it just feels like were always running around and never really have any time to just sit around and love eachother.Maybe tomorrow he'll make some can't keep his paws off me time... or maybe not it has been a while..... anyhow whatever comes about comes about It's really not up to me

Good luck, hope things turn around
how's the tattoo healin?