Okay the whole treat others how you want to be treated thing really is starting to mean something to me i am the biggest sweetheart to everyone i make friends like crazy and can pretty much keep a roomful of people that i don't know talkin and having fun but at home with the person i love i tend to vent my lil stresses out on him he is so great to me he constantly compliments me and gives me hugs and kisses and sex you couldnt even imagine. I just don't feel comfortable venting to just anyone so i vent to him and he's great about it he understands that i have a lot going on and is there for me when i need him but lately ive had a really hard time and just havent been myself and i feel really bad i know he has his stresses and i havent really been too helpful i've been really irritable and grumpy and just plain out depressing so tonight i asked him if he loves how i treat him and through it all he said yes that made everything all better for me so we talked and i promised i'd be my sweet heart self i just love him to death i just wish he could know how much i mean that so i guess that is my new goal

horray! still cant wait to see those pics and hopefully catch ya on aim soon!
