Due to Rabidus' constant harassment for me to stay alive and sociable (drat you,
) I will update.
I've been feeling sort of down, it's the weather, I have S.A.D, and it's that time of year, where I start feeling all blah, and not wanting to do anything.
So, what's new? *taps chin thoughtfully* Well, I have a new job, which I hate with all my heart. I am a painter. Which actually means PHYSICAL LABOURER AND SELLER OF MY SOUL. I work ALL day, and it's hard physical work all day, and it's so lame. Because it's not just painting (which is actually kind of fun.) But the scraping off of old paint, going up on rickety ladders to scratch at walls, leaning over, kneeling (hurts my back and my knees, *whines*) and then I get to sand it all down, which is total fun. *sarcasm* Because sanding by hand is tough work, and sanding with the power sander makes my hand feel all funny from the vibrations.
Ever go on that chair at a carnival which vibrates really quickly and you have to see how long you can hold on because it totally feels wack on your hands? Similar sensation (except not quite as extreme). And taping cardboard (or whatever else you can find, it's going to be textbooks and kittens soon, we're running low on supplies) over windows, and this also has to be done up high.
So yeah, blah on that.
Scott and I are doing fairly well. I can be a psychotic bitch at times (mood swings and all) but seriously, he's a sweetheart, he puts up with so much of my shit. And I would have told me to fuck off already, if I were him. So yeah, things are going fairly good with him.
I havez new sweaters, and new jeans, so no more excuses for being nekkid!
Well, I am running out of pants, and I have like.....5 hoodies, but as I explained to mum, the essentials really are zip-ups, as they can double as light jackets, and can go on and off easier. So now I have 4, and I have 1 (that's a bit small) already, and if I can get creepy john guy to return my zip-up that I left at his house when I hastily made my retreat, then I'll be all set! (w00t!)
I am getting disheartened and saddened, as my credit cards have been locked (For a while now, but still) until I can be more....responsible with my payments (hard when you're chronically unemployed). And I do believe that it's in October that my suicide girls account will need renewing. *tears* I come on this site everyday, even if I don't do anything, I always read the boards, check out the new sets, all that sort of stuff, and its my main stop for of entertainment and information on various things. So, hopefully I'll figure out a way to make a payment before I go into the grey, if not, have no fear, when I have money, I'll come back. I think I'll wither and die without this site for entertainment.
I wish there was a secret for growing out hair longer. I want longer hair again. I just suddenly grew sick of my short hair. I want to be able to wear girly pigtails again!
Umm, I swear I still plan on talking to you all individually. It's just that whole motivational thing I'm working on. Don't worry, it'll happen. (eventually
Oh, I would do that shit now, but school starts tomorrow! Who wants to help me with my homework?!?!?!?!? *looks around, listens to sounds of crickets chirping, feels utterly alone* I'm real worried about "Fundamentals Of Research" and it's lab. I hear they're killer, and last year I did mediocre at best in my classes, I want to do awesome this year, and now I'm taking beastial classes. Well fuck. (Rabidus, hunny, *bats eyelashes* don't you have like, a minor or something in philosophy? I'm taking "Contemporary Social Issues" and "Philosophical Problems In Religion" and I figured you might be able to give me some new perspectives on things? Never fear though, the religion one isn't til second semester.)
Anyhow, that's more of an update than I thought I'd be able to muster up (I'm tired, and I have a headache, and I still have to get my books together.)
So, mucho lovo to all you folks out there, I'll chat it up with you dudes soon,

I've been feeling sort of down, it's the weather, I have S.A.D, and it's that time of year, where I start feeling all blah, and not wanting to do anything.
So, what's new? *taps chin thoughtfully* Well, I have a new job, which I hate with all my heart. I am a painter. Which actually means PHYSICAL LABOURER AND SELLER OF MY SOUL. I work ALL day, and it's hard physical work all day, and it's so lame. Because it's not just painting (which is actually kind of fun.) But the scraping off of old paint, going up on rickety ladders to scratch at walls, leaning over, kneeling (hurts my back and my knees, *whines*) and then I get to sand it all down, which is total fun. *sarcasm* Because sanding by hand is tough work, and sanding with the power sander makes my hand feel all funny from the vibrations.
Ever go on that chair at a carnival which vibrates really quickly and you have to see how long you can hold on because it totally feels wack on your hands? Similar sensation (except not quite as extreme). And taping cardboard (or whatever else you can find, it's going to be textbooks and kittens soon, we're running low on supplies) over windows, and this also has to be done up high.
So yeah, blah on that.
Scott and I are doing fairly well. I can be a psychotic bitch at times (mood swings and all) but seriously, he's a sweetheart, he puts up with so much of my shit. And I would have told me to fuck off already, if I were him. So yeah, things are going fairly good with him.
I havez new sweaters, and new jeans, so no more excuses for being nekkid!

I am getting disheartened and saddened, as my credit cards have been locked (For a while now, but still) until I can be more....responsible with my payments (hard when you're chronically unemployed). And I do believe that it's in October that my suicide girls account will need renewing. *tears* I come on this site everyday, even if I don't do anything, I always read the boards, check out the new sets, all that sort of stuff, and its my main stop for of entertainment and information on various things. So, hopefully I'll figure out a way to make a payment before I go into the grey, if not, have no fear, when I have money, I'll come back. I think I'll wither and die without this site for entertainment.
I wish there was a secret for growing out hair longer. I want longer hair again. I just suddenly grew sick of my short hair. I want to be able to wear girly pigtails again!
Umm, I swear I still plan on talking to you all individually. It's just that whole motivational thing I'm working on. Don't worry, it'll happen. (eventually

Oh, I would do that shit now, but school starts tomorrow! Who wants to help me with my homework?!?!?!?!? *looks around, listens to sounds of crickets chirping, feels utterly alone* I'm real worried about "Fundamentals Of Research" and it's lab. I hear they're killer, and last year I did mediocre at best in my classes, I want to do awesome this year, and now I'm taking beastial classes. Well fuck. (Rabidus, hunny, *bats eyelashes* don't you have like, a minor or something in philosophy? I'm taking "Contemporary Social Issues" and "Philosophical Problems In Religion" and I figured you might be able to give me some new perspectives on things? Never fear though, the religion one isn't til second semester.)
Anyhow, that's more of an update than I thought I'd be able to muster up (I'm tired, and I have a headache, and I still have to get my books together.)
So, mucho lovo to all you folks out there, I'll chat it up with you dudes soon,
I hate growing my hair out, too. I cut the sides and back verrrrrry short before I bleached it, and now it will take so long to grow back. I haven't had long hair since I was about 16 or so.
Are you ever in Winnipeg? Maybe we could visit if you are. I haven't been to b-town in forever.
I hope you don't go grey, but if you do, we'll patiently await your return.