The Phantom Pee-er Strikes Again!
So, I went and saw "Land Of The Dead" tonight. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. (The commercials made it look like an action film, which irritated me, but it was very similar to Dawn Of The Dead, which made me happy. It was action/horror, which ain't so bad.) Then, on the way home, I peed in a back alley.
Now, before anybody gets all in the whosit and the whatsit now, lemme explain. How fair is it that only guys can pee outside? I mean, I would surely appreciate having the convenience of having a makeshift bathroom at my disposal. Especially since my bladder is like a crack-whore, it's kind of out of it, and then it's like, "WHOAH! I gotta do something about this!" So, I go from not having to go, to REALLY needing to go in like..... a minute. And after that, if I don't make it to a bathroom in 3 minutes, it has the potential to be trouble. So, one fateful evening I had a friend teach me the proper female technique for peeing outdoors. AND I LOVE IT. I don't do it necessarily. But I do enjoy it. So sue me (but not really).
I think one of my bosses is being rather abusive to me, and I have no idea what to do about it. It's a tricky situation either way it would seem. I have this one boss, she's the main one, then there's her counterpart. Now, her counterpart hates me, I'm thinking. She bitches at me more than anybody else, and says extremely rude things to me. Today, I took somebody's drink order (the restaurant did not have a single table empty, so I was very VERY busy) so, I was running to the kitchen to get their drinks. Now, apparantly as I was trotting away, they changed their drink order (from 2 kid's white milk, to 1 white, 1 chocolate). I did not here them, as the restaurant was rather loud, being full and all, and I was in a hurry, as it was full and all. My "scary boss" caught their new drink order, and blabbed it in 3 seconds to me. First of all, she made it sound like I was ignoring the customer. Now, I'm sure everybody here has had it where somebody said something as they were walking away, and they just didn't catch it. But she acted like I was specifically smiting the customer (because, don't you know, I'm a spiteful bitch? :lucha
Anyways, she barked the new order to me in a run on sentence, kind of like, "that2whitemilksisnow1whiteonenotorsomethingorotherreallyreallyquicklike!" And I said, "What?" and she got like, 8 inches from my face and went "OOONNNNNEE WHHHHIIIIITTTE MIIIIILLLLLK AAAANNNNNND OOOOOONNNNNE CCCCHHHOOOOCCCCOOLLLLATTTE MMMIIILLLK! WHAT ARE YOU, DEAF?" Like I need THAT sort of bullshit. And she does little things like that ALL the time. It really pisses me off, and does NOT spur me to do my job "better". In fact, I have visions of the next time shit like that happens, to THROW my drink order on the floor, and say "Stop talking to me like I'm a piece of shit! I'm outta here!" and storm out. And yell it like....really loud, so all the customers here what a fucking BITCH she's being!
So, my dilemma is, my mom *says* that's abuse, and that I should talk to "the good boss" about it. Thing is, when she treats me like that, I'm sure people will "poo-poo" it off. "Oh, she was just stressed, and blah blah blah, somehow I'm at fault." and If tattle, or ask her to not speak to me that way, then I'm going to be mouthing off to authority, or am being a crybaby and I should just be able to handle it or something. So I just don't know what to do. *cue BIG sigh here*
So yeah. That's what's been going on with me the last couple of days. What about you guys?
The Phantom Pee-er Strikes Again!
So, I went and saw "Land Of The Dead" tonight. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. (The commercials made it look like an action film, which irritated me, but it was very similar to Dawn Of The Dead, which made me happy. It was action/horror, which ain't so bad.) Then, on the way home, I peed in a back alley.
Now, before anybody gets all in the whosit and the whatsit now, lemme explain. How fair is it that only guys can pee outside? I mean, I would surely appreciate having the convenience of having a makeshift bathroom at my disposal. Especially since my bladder is like a crack-whore, it's kind of out of it, and then it's like, "WHOAH! I gotta do something about this!" So, I go from not having to go, to REALLY needing to go in like..... a minute. And after that, if I don't make it to a bathroom in 3 minutes, it has the potential to be trouble. So, one fateful evening I had a friend teach me the proper female technique for peeing outdoors. AND I LOVE IT. I don't do it necessarily. But I do enjoy it. So sue me (but not really).
I think one of my bosses is being rather abusive to me, and I have no idea what to do about it. It's a tricky situation either way it would seem. I have this one boss, she's the main one, then there's her counterpart. Now, her counterpart hates me, I'm thinking. She bitches at me more than anybody else, and says extremely rude things to me. Today, I took somebody's drink order (the restaurant did not have a single table empty, so I was very VERY busy) so, I was running to the kitchen to get their drinks. Now, apparantly as I was trotting away, they changed their drink order (from 2 kid's white milk, to 1 white, 1 chocolate). I did not here them, as the restaurant was rather loud, being full and all, and I was in a hurry, as it was full and all. My "scary boss" caught their new drink order, and blabbed it in 3 seconds to me. First of all, she made it sound like I was ignoring the customer. Now, I'm sure everybody here has had it where somebody said something as they were walking away, and they just didn't catch it. But she acted like I was specifically smiting the customer (because, don't you know, I'm a spiteful bitch? :lucha

So, my dilemma is, my mom *says* that's abuse, and that I should talk to "the good boss" about it. Thing is, when she treats me like that, I'm sure people will "poo-poo" it off. "Oh, she was just stressed, and blah blah blah, somehow I'm at fault." and If tattle, or ask her to not speak to me that way, then I'm going to be mouthing off to authority, or am being a crybaby and I should just be able to handle it or something. So I just don't know what to do. *cue BIG sigh here*
So yeah. That's what's been going on with me the last couple of days. What about you guys?
what about 30 minutes?

oh man... i don't think i can stay awake longer than that