I was trying to do a fancy update, with a new dipslay pic of my new hairdoo, however, it went all lame and stretchy. But I promise to have a better pic up in the near future!
Lesson of the day:
Do NOT go onto the evil couch! My friend, Mike, he did not heed our warnings. We TOLD him the couch was full of malice. We TOLD him that it made weird bumps and burps in the night. BUT HE STILL LAY ON IT ANYWAYS.
Goodbye, Mike.
Anyhow, luvluvluv to you all, I will do a better post in a bit (and this time it isn't a lie, notice how well I"ve been doing recently? *bats eyelashes*)
I was trying to do a fancy update, with a new dipslay pic of my new hairdoo, however, it went all lame and stretchy. But I promise to have a better pic up in the near future!
Lesson of the day:
Do NOT go onto the evil couch! My friend, Mike, he did not heed our warnings. We TOLD him the couch was full of malice. We TOLD him that it made weird bumps and burps in the night. BUT HE STILL LAY ON IT ANYWAYS.

Goodbye, Mike.
Anyhow, luvluvluv to you all, I will do a better post in a bit (and this time it isn't a lie, notice how well I"ve been doing recently? *bats eyelashes*)
ps - your new profile picture is the cutest ever.
lurrrrrve it.