So, I did get the backbar with the heart. It didn't really hurt all that much, until it was being colored in, and they went over the same area multiple times, then is started getting kinda sore. There was this nerve that Scott (my tattoo-ist) kept hitting that made my foot twitch. It was very weird indeed.
So, I finished my first exam, only 2 more to go. My philosophical problems b exam went better than I thought it would, and my prof is even going to let me make up an assignment that I didn't do. So, there is hope for this course yet! (yay!!!!!)
I've been playing around on livejournal, discovering how to make my journal, well, not so boring looking. You should check it out, don't you know? My LJ
I just cleaned up the huge pile of laundry that I've been ignoring for the past month. That makes me feel better, both to know I finally accomplished something, and that I'm going to have clean clothes again.
My friend Pj is having a house-warming party tonight, and I'm dragging as many people as humanly possible.
And yeah, don't know what else to say, just thought I'd do a quick update. I will leave a more meaningful post when I have something not-so-boring to say.
So, I finished my first exam, only 2 more to go. My philosophical problems b exam went better than I thought it would, and my prof is even going to let me make up an assignment that I didn't do. So, there is hope for this course yet! (yay!!!!!)
I've been playing around on livejournal, discovering how to make my journal, well, not so boring looking. You should check it out, don't you know? My LJ
I just cleaned up the huge pile of laundry that I've been ignoring for the past month. That makes me feel better, both to know I finally accomplished something, and that I'm going to have clean clothes again.
My friend Pj is having a house-warming party tonight, and I'm dragging as many people as humanly possible.
And yeah, don't know what else to say, just thought I'd do a quick update. I will leave a more meaningful post when I have something not-so-boring to say.
Hooray for new ink!
Pictures of new ink, please
(when the scabbiness is done, of course!)