Normally I'd take my sweet time and read all your journals, and make pretty little responses to the onse I received, la la la, you know, but I don't have the time, but I just HAD to share this wonderful evening!
So, this evening my friend Brendan refused to have people over (we always hang at his place). So this, is our evening. They come for coffee at my work, I join them afterwards, we go to Sev for some junk, then we go to my house, so I can get out of my uniform and stuff. Then we drive to the video rental place for me to return my stack of horror movies (I lubs the gore, yo) then we go to Ruckers, where we do some intense DDR, and air hockey. Then, we went down to the pool hall, discovered the one pay-by-game table was being used, so we went down to the newly modified decker, and played pool there! Lauren and Brendan go outside for a smoke, and Lauren calls me from her cell phone, to my cell phone, and says "dude, somebody should come out here, there's this.......animal thing! And yeah!" So, I go outside, and there's this bizarre little creature, sitting in a little nook off of Rosser. We came to the conclusion that it was a muskrat. We called the police and they said they might do something. We waited for a while, and kept it herded (it was actually quite content to just sit there, but every once in a while it would try to go a wandering, then we'd herd it back). So, the police don't come. Well, Lauren and Brendan and I, we don't want to just LEAVE this thing downtown. I mean, come on! It was cute, and possibly in peril! Sooooo, Matt and Nolan run inside the Decker and come back with an empty beer box. We proceed to chase the thing around downtown, and eventually catch it with my coat. We put it in the box, and take it down to ducks unlimited, and have a touching moment as we set it free. There are pictures and everything.
And that was my Monday evening. I wish everyday could be so entertaining. See? People should hang around with me (or date me, that's fun too
) because I swear, it's never. ever. boring.
Oh, and I think I'm going to go get the backbar tomorrow, I'll let you guys know how it goes!
So, this evening my friend Brendan refused to have people over (we always hang at his place). So this, is our evening. They come for coffee at my work, I join them afterwards, we go to Sev for some junk, then we go to my house, so I can get out of my uniform and stuff. Then we drive to the video rental place for me to return my stack of horror movies (I lubs the gore, yo) then we go to Ruckers, where we do some intense DDR, and air hockey. Then, we went down to the pool hall, discovered the one pay-by-game table was being used, so we went down to the newly modified decker, and played pool there! Lauren and Brendan go outside for a smoke, and Lauren calls me from her cell phone, to my cell phone, and says "dude, somebody should come out here, there's this.......animal thing! And yeah!" So, I go outside, and there's this bizarre little creature, sitting in a little nook off of Rosser. We came to the conclusion that it was a muskrat. We called the police and they said they might do something. We waited for a while, and kept it herded (it was actually quite content to just sit there, but every once in a while it would try to go a wandering, then we'd herd it back). So, the police don't come. Well, Lauren and Brendan and I, we don't want to just LEAVE this thing downtown. I mean, come on! It was cute, and possibly in peril! Sooooo, Matt and Nolan run inside the Decker and come back with an empty beer box. We proceed to chase the thing around downtown, and eventually catch it with my coat. We put it in the box, and take it down to ducks unlimited, and have a touching moment as we set it free. There are pictures and everything.
And that was my Monday evening. I wish everyday could be so entertaining. See? People should hang around with me (or date me, that's fun too

Oh, and I think I'm going to go get the backbar tomorrow, I'll let you guys know how it goes!
interesting evening you had
I just wanted to say hello. Hello.