Rabidus, I am not AWOL! lol. Ok, I admit. I am. I haven't posted on any of my journals in like a hella long time. There's been well..........alot going on. SO! Here, I'll fill you folks on in on the scrambled egg that is my life.
1) School. I dropped a class, as I was getting psychotically stressed out, and all my classes have the uber-homework, and when there's 4 classes of uber-homework, you get uber-tired and uber-behind. So, I dropped Music Theory. *cue deep breath of relief*
2) My boy and I are currently still together. It's a miracle, considering I've been quite the bitch in dealing with all my stuffs this last month or so. We had a major fight a week ago, but we seemed to get past it, and we're working on the things that are giving us problems. Mainly, his constant lying and putting me off when he's with his "buddy" (but only at that time, which is why it pisses me off so much), and that whole not having a job of his (he's living here, so you know.....money for groceries would be nice.) But he's still a sweetheart, just when I'm stressed out about everything else, he sometimes gets the rabid-dog end of my personality.
3) My life in general. I WAS IN A CAR ACCIDENT! Most major one yet, I'd have to say. I actually got hurt on this one. I smashed up my hand really good, and now I have this scar that runs the entire back of my left hand, and it was puffed up like the pillsbury dough-boy for a while. And for a good while the letters 'SRS' (Safety Restraint System) were implanted in the back of my hand from the steering column (or when it went flying up when the airbag came out). I bruised and scraped up both knees, and hit minez head. FYI - Head injuries make you incoherent and sleepy! So, recuperating from that, and dealing with the aftermath of having to buy a car with literally no money, and the "imprudent driving" ticket, and now there's like a $400 premium on my license, which gets renewed at the end of december (which makes more stress, since I will by no means have that money by then.
I'm also dealing with depression (SAD is kicking my ass right now, as there has been NO sunlight for like, a week). I'm trying to get help, but people are all denially. "it can't be that bad..." Oh fuck yes, it can. So, getting the help I need with that .I don't think it would be that bad, but the never-ending shit that is raining down on me right now, well, it makes things kinda worse.
So, that's why I haven't posted? Stress, and like, injuries and stuff. And I hate being a negative poster. I like bringing good news, not going "my life sucks so muchblahblahblah".
So yeah. Oh, and the lesson in this post kiddies: wear your fucking seatbelt. My new car has no airbags, so you'd better damn believe that seatbelts going on now. Apparantly without the airbag, I would have had severe head and chest trauma. Considering it hurt to breathe for a week, and I could barely move, I take that "severe" would suck alot more ass.
Anyhow, since I've now done the break-down post, I'll be back. Rabidus, I'm assuming when you tagged me, that I'm supposed to do the 20 things you don't know about me too? Tell me if I am, and I'll get my ass on that right away.
So yeah. Mucho lovo to all. OH NOEZZZ! My suicidegirls account goes grey on the 17th! I would buy a new membership, but as you can guess, the moneyzzz a bit tight for now. It should be better in a little bit. But yeah.....I don't know what's going on with that yet, so...........*salutes you all*
I don't know anybody here well enough to get a "come back cuz we love you!" gift account, but if somebody perchance did that..........I would pee with glee. And return the money/favour in a couple of months when you know.......I'm not insanely broke.
Anyhow, love and toodles, I WILL post soon, now that I"m back. Love, G
1) School. I dropped a class, as I was getting psychotically stressed out, and all my classes have the uber-homework, and when there's 4 classes of uber-homework, you get uber-tired and uber-behind. So, I dropped Music Theory. *cue deep breath of relief*
2) My boy and I are currently still together. It's a miracle, considering I've been quite the bitch in dealing with all my stuffs this last month or so. We had a major fight a week ago, but we seemed to get past it, and we're working on the things that are giving us problems. Mainly, his constant lying and putting me off when he's with his "buddy" (but only at that time, which is why it pisses me off so much), and that whole not having a job of his (he's living here, so you know.....money for groceries would be nice.) But he's still a sweetheart, just when I'm stressed out about everything else, he sometimes gets the rabid-dog end of my personality.
3) My life in general. I WAS IN A CAR ACCIDENT! Most major one yet, I'd have to say. I actually got hurt on this one. I smashed up my hand really good, and now I have this scar that runs the entire back of my left hand, and it was puffed up like the pillsbury dough-boy for a while. And for a good while the letters 'SRS' (Safety Restraint System) were implanted in the back of my hand from the steering column (or when it went flying up when the airbag came out). I bruised and scraped up both knees, and hit minez head. FYI - Head injuries make you incoherent and sleepy! So, recuperating from that, and dealing with the aftermath of having to buy a car with literally no money, and the "imprudent driving" ticket, and now there's like a $400 premium on my license, which gets renewed at the end of december (which makes more stress, since I will by no means have that money by then.

I'm also dealing with depression (SAD is kicking my ass right now, as there has been NO sunlight for like, a week). I'm trying to get help, but people are all denially. "it can't be that bad..." Oh fuck yes, it can. So, getting the help I need with that .I don't think it would be that bad, but the never-ending shit that is raining down on me right now, well, it makes things kinda worse.
So, that's why I haven't posted? Stress, and like, injuries and stuff. And I hate being a negative poster. I like bringing good news, not going "my life sucks so muchblahblahblah".
So yeah. Oh, and the lesson in this post kiddies: wear your fucking seatbelt. My new car has no airbags, so you'd better damn believe that seatbelts going on now. Apparantly without the airbag, I would have had severe head and chest trauma. Considering it hurt to breathe for a week, and I could barely move, I take that "severe" would suck alot more ass.

Anyhow, since I've now done the break-down post, I'll be back. Rabidus, I'm assuming when you tagged me, that I'm supposed to do the 20 things you don't know about me too? Tell me if I am, and I'll get my ass on that right away.
So yeah. Mucho lovo to all. OH NOEZZZ! My suicidegirls account goes grey on the 17th! I would buy a new membership, but as you can guess, the moneyzzz a bit tight for now. It should be better in a little bit. But yeah.....I don't know what's going on with that yet, so...........*salutes you all*
I don't know anybody here well enough to get a "come back cuz we love you!" gift account, but if somebody perchance did that..........I would pee with glee. And return the money/favour in a couple of months when you know.......I'm not insanely broke.
Anyhow, love and toodles, I WILL post soon, now that I"m back. Love, G
hope things get better for you work wise and emotionally
glad things are working out with the boy even if you have to beat him into shape
i'm heading to work so i'll write more later
take care ->