About time for another image heavy blog, eh?
I drank a 5 hour energy a while ago and am still tired, I swear I have an immunity to caffeine.
Regardless of that, I still love coffee......so much so that this was recently gifted to me:

He sits on my xbox.
I now have 2 robots from this Etsy shop. They are so well made.....I love them.
It snowed here. It was the strangest texture. Like a mixture of styrofoam and cotton......but frozen. It was pretty, but it didn't stick around long. I did go out and take some pics with my little point and shoot camera...

I like how silent it gets when it snows. Even in the city, everything seems suddenly muffled......until you get rear ended by the car behind you because they hit a patch of ice.
My dog is not a fan of snow, so he cuddled into some blankets instead.

I haven't been shooting much recently. I miss it, but with everything going on right now, it's not really something I can commit to. Here are a handful of recent pics though:

As usual I have been pouring most of my time and energy into my Etsy shop.
I have an even coming up that I'm vending at. I'm a bit nervous about it and I really hope it goes well. If you are attending this:

I'll see you there dressed to the nines!
I created a banner for my table, and am pretty happy with it:

(Click it to visit my shop!)
I've been working on lots of new stuff including new poison bottle necklaces with this laudanum label I created:

It took me a while, but I think it turned out okay.
I am running an exclusive discount for a limited time!
20% off everything at checkout!
Enter DISCOUNT20 into the coupon code box at checkout, and receive 20% off your entire purchase!

Here are some recent things I've made:
Bones in a bottle necklaces (made of poly clay)

Vampire fangs in a Jar earrings and necklaces....

Vamp fang locket:

Poison bottle necklaces:

And more Absinthe, cameo and Steampunky goodness!

And soooooo much more. Sorry, that was a lot of pics.
The lighter pics are a new setup I'm trying. Etsy seems to like lighter photos, so I am experimenting. I think I'll make the depth of field shallower next time.
Anyway, I hope everyone survived Valentine's day alright. I like mine pretty low key......definitely not a diamonds type of girl. But I did make a fancy dinner for my valentine. We watched Inception (finally), The Social Network (again) and played xbox (mass effect 3)....then ate too many cheap chocolates and blacked out. Okay, maybe we didn't black out, but the rest of the night is a secret.
Have a lovely March, and "jackrabbit"! (Now you say it back, and we have good luck all month long)
I drank a 5 hour energy a while ago and am still tired, I swear I have an immunity to caffeine.
Regardless of that, I still love coffee......so much so that this was recently gifted to me:

He sits on my xbox.

It snowed here. It was the strangest texture. Like a mixture of styrofoam and cotton......but frozen. It was pretty, but it didn't stick around long. I did go out and take some pics with my little point and shoot camera...

I like how silent it gets when it snows. Even in the city, everything seems suddenly muffled......until you get rear ended by the car behind you because they hit a patch of ice.

My dog is not a fan of snow, so he cuddled into some blankets instead.

I haven't been shooting much recently. I miss it, but with everything going on right now, it's not really something I can commit to. Here are a handful of recent pics though:

As usual I have been pouring most of my time and energy into my Etsy shop.
I have an even coming up that I'm vending at. I'm a bit nervous about it and I really hope it goes well. If you are attending this:

I'll see you there dressed to the nines!

I created a banner for my table, and am pretty happy with it:

(Click it to visit my shop!)
I've been working on lots of new stuff including new poison bottle necklaces with this laudanum label I created:

It took me a while, but I think it turned out okay.

I am running an exclusive discount for a limited time!
20% off everything at checkout!
Enter DISCOUNT20 into the coupon code box at checkout, and receive 20% off your entire purchase!

Here are some recent things I've made:
Bones in a bottle necklaces (made of poly clay)

Vampire fangs in a Jar earrings and necklaces....

Vamp fang locket:

Poison bottle necklaces:

And more Absinthe, cameo and Steampunky goodness!

And soooooo much more. Sorry, that was a lot of pics.

The lighter pics are a new setup I'm trying. Etsy seems to like lighter photos, so I am experimenting. I think I'll make the depth of field shallower next time.
Anyway, I hope everyone survived Valentine's day alright. I like mine pretty low key......definitely not a diamonds type of girl. But I did make a fancy dinner for my valentine. We watched Inception (finally), The Social Network (again) and played xbox (mass effect 3)....then ate too many cheap chocolates and blacked out. Okay, maybe we didn't black out, but the rest of the night is a secret.

Have a lovely March, and "jackrabbit"! (Now you say it back, and we have good luck all month long)

Oh, no need to apologize! I didn't take my time packing, and the necklace must've cracked in the process of me trying to shut my suitcase. I can still wear it though 

thanks and huggles