Not much going on....been a little extra sick lately so I've mainly been working on my Etsy store: Alternate History
I've been listing the stuff I've been working on over the last couple weeks all day.
It's nice, I feel like I'm "working". I may not be getting rich by doing this, but being too ill to work a "normal" job, selling my stuff on Etsy has really worked out better than I ever thought!
I'm SOOO grateful for each and every customer and compliment.....so thank you guys so much!
Anyway......lots of new stuff! Linky!
Including more leather cuffs.....
And more "lady death" large cameo lockets....
And more compasses, lockets, pendants, and rings....
More "blood vial" necklaces, and more True Blood vampire fang earrings to come!
Hope all is well with everyone, and I promise to talk about more than just my Etsy next blog!
Not much going on....been a little extra sick lately so I've mainly been working on my Etsy store: Alternate History
I've been listing the stuff I've been working on over the last couple weeks all day.
It's nice, I feel like I'm "working". I may not be getting rich by doing this, but being too ill to work a "normal" job, selling my stuff on Etsy has really worked out better than I ever thought!
I'm SOOO grateful for each and every customer and compliment.....so thank you guys so much!
Anyway......lots of new stuff! Linky!
Including more leather cuffs.....

And more "lady death" large cameo lockets....

And more compasses, lockets, pendants, and rings....

More "blood vial" necklaces, and more True Blood vampire fang earrings to come!
Hope all is well with everyone, and I promise to talk about more than just my Etsy next blog!


Small boobs? Beer in a can.
my housemate would be so jealous, he loves him