I'm done!!!!!!!!!
Worst paper ever! But who gives a fuck I'm done? Ugh..the screen's gettin all blurry
Gettin drunk at the Marathon tonight
Free popcorn

Worst paper ever! But who gives a fuck I'm done? Ugh..the screen's gettin all blurry

Gettin drunk at the Marathon tonight

Free popcorn

we ever going to get more than a
sentence or two out of you at one
they are nice sentences, don't get
me wrong, and I am shaken badly
by the loss of who I thought was a
real friend, so god knows I need
contact with other caring human beings
(see most recent journal) right now.
but simply, like real friends do, stop
being silly shy, and let's talk on the
phone. I'm at 510 644 0321, and I
am rarely not here in the evenings.
You may have to leave a message with
this mechanical women, as I am in the
next room on this computer usually
writing away from the phone, but I
can often call you back pronto. And
I want too. Enough of these SG relationships. I need real people in my
life. Bob
I think you nice and kind, Libby. I am
happy to support you anyway I can.
movie for about nine hours anytime.
i know Terry reasonably well. As
Spiegelman said it's genius was
focusing on the side of Crumb that
then nobody knew a thing about.
It gave us the missing context to place
everything else about the guy.
I know Jaxon, and his daughter Sophie too. We are talking about one of the strangest most psychologically battered
families in modern American history.
And, wouldn't you know, one of them
became a brilliantly deranged artist who
shows us the world as it actually is, on
more days then one wants to admit.
There is an incredible new R. Crumb
Handbook in the stores right now, which is a rare thing, and I would go
buy and hoard one if I were you. In
fact, for me, I already have. BC