After getting struck by lightning, my internet crapped out for a few weeks. Then I went on vacation, so I haven't been around for a while.
School this semester sucks. Well, one class sucks and I'm dropping it which means delaying graduation a semester. It's an English class, something I'm naturally good at. Yet this teacher wants "formula writing." What does that mean? That means each paper is 5 paragraphs: 1 intro, 3 body and 1 conclusion. She actually had a list of what each sentence in the paper should be about (ie topic, transitional, etc...). So, I got a 60 on a heavily weighted paper. I have never gotten a 60 in English. I knew I was struggling, so I had my English teacher mother read my paper before submitting it to make sure I would do okay. Apparently, I don't know how to write. Apparently, the 30+ years my mom has taught English means nothing because she doesn't know what a good paper looks like. Apparently, all my other English teachers have been wrong when I have received good grades, as have all the other teachers who have given me "A"s in Gordon Rule Classes. It is frustrating as hell because I have busted my ass getting my GPA up and I am not going to let this woman mess it up. Luckily, the man who is teaching Lit 2 next semester is the same teacher I had for Lit 1 and 60s Lit so I will retake it with him.
My worst fears have come true.... my dog has cancer. She has it in her bladder and it is inoperable. They gave me some meds for her and I have to take her back next week for another ultrasound to make sure the tumor is either shrinking or at least not growing. The vet has given her 18 months. She is old so every day will be a good day. I fell in love with this dog so fast 2 1/2 years ago and I cannot imagine my life without her. Thinking about it makes me sad. Luckily, she doesn't seem physically bothered by the cancer or the meds. I hope it continues that way for a long, long time.
We set a date.... sort of. We're moving in late December or January. There was a mild arguement because my boyfriend wanted to move in October. I didn't think it made any sense with the holidays and the birth of my new niece or nephew coming during that time. We would have been coming back every week and he makes more money here than he will there. This gives us time to save more money and we won't have to worry about getting jobs and finding out we can't go home for the holidays. I think he's mad about it.... disappointed for sure, but it just makes more sense. I told him to go if he needed to go earlier than me. He doesn't want to (either do I), but my family is important to me and I'm not going to miss the events that will happen during that time. Am I being selfish? Maybe, but I'm being sensible as well.... someone has to be the sensible one .
School this semester sucks. Well, one class sucks and I'm dropping it which means delaying graduation a semester. It's an English class, something I'm naturally good at. Yet this teacher wants "formula writing." What does that mean? That means each paper is 5 paragraphs: 1 intro, 3 body and 1 conclusion. She actually had a list of what each sentence in the paper should be about (ie topic, transitional, etc...). So, I got a 60 on a heavily weighted paper. I have never gotten a 60 in English. I knew I was struggling, so I had my English teacher mother read my paper before submitting it to make sure I would do okay. Apparently, I don't know how to write. Apparently, the 30+ years my mom has taught English means nothing because she doesn't know what a good paper looks like. Apparently, all my other English teachers have been wrong when I have received good grades, as have all the other teachers who have given me "A"s in Gordon Rule Classes. It is frustrating as hell because I have busted my ass getting my GPA up and I am not going to let this woman mess it up. Luckily, the man who is teaching Lit 2 next semester is the same teacher I had for Lit 1 and 60s Lit so I will retake it with him.
My worst fears have come true.... my dog has cancer. She has it in her bladder and it is inoperable. They gave me some meds for her and I have to take her back next week for another ultrasound to make sure the tumor is either shrinking or at least not growing. The vet has given her 18 months. She is old so every day will be a good day. I fell in love with this dog so fast 2 1/2 years ago and I cannot imagine my life without her. Thinking about it makes me sad. Luckily, she doesn't seem physically bothered by the cancer or the meds. I hope it continues that way for a long, long time.
We set a date.... sort of. We're moving in late December or January. There was a mild arguement because my boyfriend wanted to move in October. I didn't think it made any sense with the holidays and the birth of my new niece or nephew coming during that time. We would have been coming back every week and he makes more money here than he will there. This gives us time to save more money and we won't have to worry about getting jobs and finding out we can't go home for the holidays. I think he's mad about it.... disappointed for sure, but it just makes more sense. I told him to go if he needed to go earlier than me. He doesn't want to (either do I), but my family is important to me and I'm not going to miss the events that will happen during that time. Am I being selfish? Maybe, but I'm being sensible as well.... someone has to be the sensible one .

That's what we get for being animal lovers...heartache, but I wouldn't trade one minute of it.
Stupid english teacher, oh well.....whats ONE more semester in the scheme of things.
I bought the CUTEST bathroom stuff at target. I couldn't resist.
Sorry to hear about your dog, that's hard to take. That english teacher sounds like pure shite to me, make sure you check out the next teacher or ask around to see what they're students are saying about there class. I understand about the move in deal with your boyfriend, me I would go for October because of it's relation to U2 & not to mention my favorite month but, your reasons are quite sound. I'm sure your well worth the wait!!!! Hum, I've been doing well trying to find my slice of the pie!! No luck yet but, I believe I can smell it. Also been reading 2 Bono books that came out last month, you could say he's my insperation!! It's always nice to hear from you dear. Hope all is well & enjoy your time with your dog while it's still here.