So, I saw Kung Fu Hustle at the Florida Film Festival this weekend. I thought it was going to be like Scary Movie (which I have never seen) except about Kung Fu movies. It wasn't. I actually liked it more than I thought I would. But I like watching fighting scenes a la Crouching Tiger, Hero and House of Flying Daggers.
The last week has been filled with writing a paper for my Humanities class and cramming for a bio test tomorrow. Bleh. I'm a big dork. I really enjoy writing papers when I enjoy the subject. I wrote it about Jane Eyre and The Awakening being pre-feminist novels. I honestly thought it was a much better paper than some earlier papers I had written for the same teacher, but I got the lowest grade I have ever received from this teacher
It makes me sad. I still got an A, but I don't understand why he thought this paper wasn't as good as my previous ones. My bf makes fun of me because he thinks I'm too hard on myself. Maybe I am.
Bio rant follows... too much of this test is about dominant and recessive genes and figuring out probability. I understand that I should know about those and be able to understand them, but I already took math. Never in my life am I going to need to figure out the probability of dominant and recessive genes. If ever I do need to know that info, I'll ask a doc. I'm just getting frustrated with school and I cannot wait for this semester to end. That's what happens when a girl who is not very science minded takes 2 science class in a semester. Why did I decide to torture myself this way? Because I am currently unemployed and I had 2 Fs from previous screwups (read did not drop the classes) and they're dragging my GPA down too much. Less than a month left!
Alright... enough griping and avoiding the inevitable (studying).
Kiss kiss!
The last week has been filled with writing a paper for my Humanities class and cramming for a bio test tomorrow. Bleh. I'm a big dork. I really enjoy writing papers when I enjoy the subject. I wrote it about Jane Eyre and The Awakening being pre-feminist novels. I honestly thought it was a much better paper than some earlier papers I had written for the same teacher, but I got the lowest grade I have ever received from this teacher

Bio rant follows... too much of this test is about dominant and recessive genes and figuring out probability. I understand that I should know about those and be able to understand them, but I already took math. Never in my life am I going to need to figure out the probability of dominant and recessive genes. If ever I do need to know that info, I'll ask a doc. I'm just getting frustrated with school and I cannot wait for this semester to end. That's what happens when a girl who is not very science minded takes 2 science class in a semester. Why did I decide to torture myself this way? Because I am currently unemployed and I had 2 Fs from previous screwups (read did not drop the classes) and they're dragging my GPA down too much. Less than a month left!
Alright... enough griping and avoiding the inevitable (studying).
Kiss kiss!
I'm going to see Kung Fu Hustle tommorrow. Hopefully I'll like it. It looks stupid in the commercials.
Greetings & salutations. I've been busy busy busy studying my thinger off. I wasn't able to get tickets for Interpol in time but, I think it's for the best as the Doves will satifiying enough. Haven't gone out at all really, which is alittlle sad but, when I'm through with school I'll make up for lost time. Sounds like your paper is going well. I'm glad your doing well with everything. Hope your enjoying your weekend & talk with you soon.