Sigh.... I heart my pup so much! It's hard to get decent pics of her because her eyes are all hazy and the flash always makes her look demonic. Red eye editing and reduction do not work. So unless I'm outside with some great lighting, I rarely get good pics of her.
I want a new tattoo. I want to get one under my boob... if my boob were a clock from like 9 to 6. I don't know what I want though. I've been toying with the idea of the pup's name in nice script. Or paw prints... but I can't find the script I like or a good paw print. Why the pup? Because I LOVE her! And I will love her when I am old and gray!
School is winding down... I think I have a month left. I have a paper due Friday (that I have yet to start

I hope your saturday is going very smoothly for you. If I had to guess I'd say your on your bike or with your fantastic baby (Dog) right now.
I'm glad to here your trip went well, I can't say I didn't miss you!! A contrast paper sounds more interesting then trying to fill up so many pages about one single book. Good luck on that paper.
The Sartre play I saw was so interesting, it's still hanging in the back of my mind. I don't believe it was ever done as a film. He was quite an interesting guy. I'm a bit of a pack rat too I just bought an Interpol shirt off ebay to add to my concert shirt collection. The thing is I never wear them just put them in plastic & pack them away. Only if the shirt in crap condition already can I wear them.
Art is an interesting concept. It all depends on the city in which you live as to weather it's concidered good or bad. Same with fashion & music I guess. Glad you enjoyed Gainsville.
I'm sure that soon enough once you've finished college you'll be swimming in $$!! Or atleast not have to worry your pretty head so much about it.
I find that interesting that your bf hadn't seen Rebel. I love that film. I enjoy Montgomery Clift more actually. I read his bio, painful stuff. Great actor.
I have till June 6th then off to the Chiropratic office I'm hopeing. That will be my internship, he's a friend of my dad's.
You are so close to the light at the end of the tunnel!!! You'll most likely miss school once your all finished.
As for the ink under your breast, sounds like a cool idea with the script of your dogs name. The paw not so much. You should put up more pix of yourself, your much more alluring than your dog. Maybe not by much but, enough to mention.
Hope all is well, enjoy your weekend & no mine is filled with studying. Take care.