People suck. Bleh.
I had a couch that I needed to get rid of and rather than call Salvation Army or someplace like that who will make a profit from the couch, I found a woman on Craig's List who is in the process of getting divorced and staying in her friend's garage and was looking for stuff to make the garage livable. I contacted her and she seemed thrilled. She was supposed to come yesterday but she didn't and I haven't heard from her. That's just rude in my book. I went out of my way to try to help a complete stranger and she didn't care. I ended up wasting 3 hours waiting for her before leaving for the night. Whatever. There's another group nearby that gives furniture to displaced families so I'm going to call them.
We went biking for 12 fucking miles yesterday! My ass is sore and I have a feeling my legs will be feeling it tomorrow. The ride was great except for the last 2-3 miles. I was tired and it was slightly uphill. I told the bf that we need to start smaller next time, maybe 8-10 miles because I want to go biking, but I don't want to remember only the last miserable miles! Then we can work up to 12 miles or more.
Other than that, we went to a pub for a few on Friday and went to the Farmer's Market on Saturday. We went to a pre St Patrick's Day event yesterday where they had Irish dancing. His niece and nephew were dancing and I have no idea how they move their feet that fast. I've never really seen Irish dancing other than on tv so that was interesting.
I have a test I should be studying for
I will later today. Happy Monday!
Edited to add: I went upstairs to take a shower (mind out of the gutters people!!) and when I got downstairs it was raining with the couch outside! I was going to go move the cushions and cover it as best I could and viola, it had disappeared while I was in the shower! I have no idea who took it but I guess I shouldn't complain! Hopefully it was someone who really needed it!
I had a couch that I needed to get rid of and rather than call Salvation Army or someplace like that who will make a profit from the couch, I found a woman on Craig's List who is in the process of getting divorced and staying in her friend's garage and was looking for stuff to make the garage livable. I contacted her and she seemed thrilled. She was supposed to come yesterday but she didn't and I haven't heard from her. That's just rude in my book. I went out of my way to try to help a complete stranger and she didn't care. I ended up wasting 3 hours waiting for her before leaving for the night. Whatever. There's another group nearby that gives furniture to displaced families so I'm going to call them.
We went biking for 12 fucking miles yesterday! My ass is sore and I have a feeling my legs will be feeling it tomorrow. The ride was great except for the last 2-3 miles. I was tired and it was slightly uphill. I told the bf that we need to start smaller next time, maybe 8-10 miles because I want to go biking, but I don't want to remember only the last miserable miles! Then we can work up to 12 miles or more.
Other than that, we went to a pub for a few on Friday and went to the Farmer's Market on Saturday. We went to a pre St Patrick's Day event yesterday where they had Irish dancing. His niece and nephew were dancing and I have no idea how they move their feet that fast. I've never really seen Irish dancing other than on tv so that was interesting.
I have a test I should be studying for

Edited to add: I went upstairs to take a shower (mind out of the gutters people!!) and when I got downstairs it was raining with the couch outside! I was going to go move the cushions and cover it as best I could and viola, it had disappeared while I was in the shower! I have no idea who took it but I guess I shouldn't complain! Hopefully it was someone who really needed it!
well...the bike was comfortable for the first 8-10 miles....thats pretty good. what st. pattyy's day event did you go to?
I hope you had a great day today.
The weather here has been in the 60's & sunny. perfect for painting & yardwork.
That's a lot of biking when your not so used to it. You need to get a more comfortable seat for rides like that. I think people acknowledge you less when your on a bike because there too worried your going to run them over or something. I find that when I bike it's the bikers that say hi & when I walk it's the walkers. Odd isn't it. I agree that it is proper to fall back when passing a crowd but, we are in a small group that do this.
This whole administration has turned all the education programs into testing prep. It's all based on your scores now & that decides your future. It's quite sad it's a lot like Japan now. I don't know if it'll get better or worse as time goes on.
I agree that if you go into science with the attitude that it's fun & interesting that you will enjoy it. As I get older I seem to think that science & astronomy are more interesting to me. Before it was all art & english & now that I know a lot of that I've switched to new things to be interested in. Making a difference is all that seems to matter to me now. Well, that & finding someone who will grow with me.
Yes, the whole experience of music buying is different now. I really miss the old way. I worked at a local cd store for awhile & loved it then a corporate came in & toppeled us. Well, what did you listen to today?
What tour did you see U2 on? I've scene them 4 times & that's not enough. Isn't Disneyland in Orlando? You live near Disneyland? I've never been nor care to go but, I find that interesting that you live so close to it. No wonder everything is soooo over priced. Well, I'm off to the record store for more of what alles me. I'd like you to know your bf is very lucky to have you. Hope your night is great. Oh & try & get a new seat soon as it only gets worse.