So, I really don't consider myself a democrat. I am a registered dem but that's solely because Florida is a closed state and that is the only way you can vote in the primaries. I've actually thought about changing my party affliation to republican just so I can vote for the crappiest people who don't stand a chance of winning in the primaries. I digress.... I am sort of excited to watch Kerry this week. My mother is super excited! Her point is that people can finally hear what Kerry believes in and what he stands for and what he plans on doing for the country. Personally I don't care what he stands for.... unless he announces that he has mass genocide planned, he's getting my vote. There isn't enough money in the world to get me to vote for a Bush. I never have. Not George Sr., not GW, and not little buddy Jeb. How did I end up so extremely liberal when my mom is a little left of center and my dad is very conservative. Don't question I guess.... just be thankful. I have a feeling the next few months are going to be full of posts like this. Sorry, but politics get me excited (no not that kind of excited

I don't believe in anything I see unless I can feel it too
-Badly Drawn Boy
Kisses on Tuesday!

She brought over "Gone in 60 seconds". Pretty cool. Earlier we drove out to some shops, and hung out a little. Had lunch. We went to this Leather/S&M store, Noir Leather, and a bought a couple shirts. You'd like this place.
Today I'm going to lay out by the pool, then go to my parents for dinner.
Yeah, I just may take you up on your trip offer sometime.