What a week.... too much work, too much school, stopping my habit of smoking cloves, a modicum of play with my new playmate
You guys rock listening to my neuroses and helping with my qualms.... Life has a funny way of working everything out.... that I know and I've learned not to buck fate. When you do, you're often shocked to realize that you didn't really want what you thought you wanted....
A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.
-Jean de La Fontaine
a funny website (funny to me, not to the chimps): Bush or Chimp?
Hope everyone is having a fab weekend! Many kisses!

You guys rock listening to my neuroses and helping with my qualms.... Life has a funny way of working everything out.... that I know and I've learned not to buck fate. When you do, you're often shocked to realize that you didn't really want what you thought you wanted....
A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.
-Jean de La Fontaine
a funny website (funny to me, not to the chimps): Bush or Chimp?
Hope everyone is having a fab weekend! Many kisses!
Yeah, it was a fun trip. Can't wait for the next one.
New city, new house, new people - Adventures!