I swear sometimes I feel like I was born at the wrong time....
So I thought I had another paper due today, but it isn't due til Friday... time to procrastinate

While my dad was here, he wanted to try to psychoanalyze why I have been so glaringly single for such a long time. Parents are silly... they think their kids are perfect and he has never realized the issues I have.
Then he wanted to sit and rank in order of importance which qualities I like in a guy.... he would not let it go. Then he tells me my ex from over 10 years ago (who he never did meet) has all said qualities (he does) and that I should invite him to Turkey Day at my dad's. When he left he said "I'll see you and Tom in November." Oddball.... he still has wedding money set aside for me even though I have no intention of marrying.
Date with the younger one went well.... much in common.... he's cooking me dinner tomorrow... I love guys who can cook and he's a vegetarian so that helps.
Many messed up things going on in my head as of late... ever made a huge life altering decision only to seriously question your decision right before it is too late? Too many variables up in the air right now so I may elaborate about this at a later date.... or not....
Sadly, while there is a switch, you'll need a sharp knife and an absorbent towel if you want to get to it.
'Course there's always drugs....
Monday at work wasn't too bad. Just hot. Today, even hotter. Can't wait for the weekend.