I saw King Arthur with my dad and step mom yesterday.... interesting twist to the typical Arthurian legend. Still, I love that period... love movies where a girl kicks ass and some eye candy in the movie as well

Dad has gone home so now it's back to life as normal!
One paper down, one to go.... I got an email from my philisophy professor who said I got the highest grade he has ever give in that class. That made me so happy, I can't even explain it!
My friend Jay was making fun of me this morning because I am (have always been) so hard on myself grade wise. Is it wrong to set high standards for myself and have high expectations when it comes to school? After all, isn't that one of the few places in life that I have control over? Generally speaking, in school, your grades are reflective of what you put into it. Not much else in life is like that.
So, I found Moby covering Joy Division's "New Dawn Fades." Not a huge Moby fan, but he does a good job with this one....
Not to be depressing (because Joy Division lyrics often are), but wtf:
We'll share a drink and step outside,
An angry voice and one who cried,
We'll give you everything and more,
The strain's too much, can't take much more.
Oh, I've walked on water, run through fire,
Can't seem to feel it anymore.
It was me, waiting for me,
Hoping for something more,
Me, seeing me this time, hoping for something else.
-Joy Divison
I'm not sure I will see the new Authur thing. I like the period too, but am not a fan of rewriting things just so they can be PC. Though, I may change my mind - it is just a live comic book after all.
[Edited on Jul 11, 2004 3:26PM]
We rented "School of Rock". Meh, it was ok. Kinda funny.
But, she's a person I've been friends with for about 6 or 7 years. She's cool, but we're just friends. It's not that kind of an attraction. Plus her ex-husband is a good friend of mine, so that's kinda weird. We didn't screw or anything, but we did fool around a little. So maybe a friend with benefits. Who knows.
This day is going to suck. I just know it. Hope it goes by fast.