I love this picture. It is almost impossible for me to believe that something in outer space can look so amazingly beautiful!
My dad and step mom are in town so I've been busy spending time with them, busy spending time with my sister and new niece, busy trying to get term papers written.... One was due yesterday and I had it in at 12:05am! I figure that's close enough to the due date

So, I have a date tomorrow night with a 25 year old. Why am I always attracted to guys younger than me? My friends and my family always make fun of me because of this.... I've tried dating guys older than me and it never works. Funny thing is older guys have alwasy seemed to be on opposite ends of the spectrum.... either they are too serious and looking for more than I am or they have the Peter Pan syndrome and refuse to grow up.... some middle ground would be nice. Luckily this guys, while being much younger, is grounded and knows what he wants to do with his life. And we have much in common musically, movie wise, bookwise and are both extreme liberals politically.... that matters more than anything... he actually gets that I am a bleeding heart... if nothing else, we get along fabulously and could actually end up friends.... gasp!
Anyways.... I'm off to shower and hang with dad...
Happy weekend!
btw...space scares me...
Closet is cleaned out now. Well, mostly anyways. Still got the ex's clothes and stuff in there, but it's shoved in the back now.
Vacation is almost over.
Have fun on the paper.