I am so glad this week is over!
Of course, my sleeping patterns haven't improved any yet. I went out to dinner and bailed around 11 because I was so damn tired and once I got home, I wasn't tired again. I've always had sleeping issues but for the past few years it's been under control. now it's all haywire and nothing helps. Even when I've tried things like sleeping pills in the past, I still can't sleep. I have a lot of stressors right now (which I can usually handle a multitude of stress) and I know which worry keeps me up at night.... Luckily, that worry will be rectified sometime around July 30th... Until then, my brain is frazzled... my body is suffering... I stepped on a scale today and I've lost 8 lbs in probably the last month. I keep forgetting to eat because I just don't think about it and my body doesn't say "hey, I'm hungry!" I think I need a nanny!

So, last night I'm getting ready to log off and my ex logs onto AIM. We broke up almost 5 years ago and the last time I talked to him was a year after I broke up with him and I basically left him crying in a parking lot. Sounds bad, I know but he was a selfish ass much of the 3 years we were together so don't feel sorry for him. When we last spoke, he wanted to get back together and I wouldn't. Of course last night he im-ed me and we talked for probably an hour... it's nice to be able to let go of old angers. It's nice to hear that he is doing well and doing what he has always wanted to do and not feel anything but happy for him. It was always weird because I have always ended up being friends wih exes but not him. There was too much bitterness and now I realize it's gone... I have no idea where the bitterness went or when it disappeared, but it did and that's a good thing. And when I told my sister about him contacting me, she wasn't surprised because my exes always end up back in my life. Years can pass and then bam! they get in touch.
Which speaking of talking to people from the past... I talked to one of my closest friends from high school last night. We haven't spoken in about a year and now he's coming into town this weekend! Yay! I think we're going to go to my mom's for the 4th. I love my friends... they always rock my world.... Alright... lame attempt at sleeping coming up!
Gone but not forgotten
Never mind how we spent our time
The hours were never lost on you
A mystery is what you are to me
Hold me tight for a million years
Your blood's in mine, it's like holy wine
-Lightning Seeds
Kinda cheesy song but it always reminds me of my closest friends

Late Friday night or early Saturday kisses!

I made plans with a guy from work to go to a wave pool today, and of course, he blew me off. What an asshole.
I hate doing things by myself, and since I really have no dependable friends, I'll probably do nothing most the time. There is an SG get-together in Ohio next weekend, so I'll do that.
Other than that, who knows.
Have fun today.