La la la..... Even though I was up way too later, I woke up in a good mood. My work evaluation went awesome. The gist is I do my job well, yada yada plus a raise..... which is always nice. A friend of mine called yesterday during lunch and gave me an earful.. something about me having my panties in a wad and how he was going to remind me how ridiculous I'd been reacting when it comes time for a review next year. I stress... I overstress, I know.
Then I went to a friend's for dinner. I wasn't going to but it ended up being a "we're going to have too much food" and so I went.... damn good food.
Every night this week I've said "maybe I'll start the tile in the bathroom" and I have yet to do that... I think I need to write myself a list because I have too may little things that need to be done and I keep forgetting half of them..... sigh.... the joys of aging
Happy Wednesday!
Btw, my email sux
I don't know why we do these things to ourselves.