Sigh.... the longest day of the year was today... well, when I say day I mean it literally.... daytime. So, I finished painting my bathroom and also touched it up where the paint was too thin. I poly-ed the fronts of my bathroom cabinet before it rained. I was going to start laying the tile, but went to dinner at a friend's instead. I talked to my mom, who is on vacation. I talked to my dad since it is Father's Day. Those are the good things....
These are the bad.... I fought with a friend because he's been getting a little too over protective of me lately. This has been escalating over the past few weeks which has made things tenuous to begin with. I finally told him to stop, we argued, he got super mad and now it's all good again. Well, we're not arguing at least. We're good. We'll see about the over protective part. Why do guy friends either want to fuck you or brother you? I have a brother to be over protective of me....
Then I effectively managed to overanalyze the hell out of a situation when I should have tried to go with the flow. I'm an overanalyzer, shoot me. And I don't hide things if I have something on my mind.... I have to go with the honest approach. So, I managed to aggrivate, alienate, who knows what.... someone who is the one of the coolest individuals I've met face to face in a while. Either he'll be okay with today or not. I cannot change what happened. Nor can I change my sometimes neurotic behavior. Nor can I make him accept it. I've done what little I can and his decision for what happens tomorrow is just that... his decision. So, we'll see on that one.... Still made for a yucky day. Too much angst that I'm not used to. I don't like angst. I don't like yucky days. Tomorrow is another day.... and everything happens for a reason.... good or bad.
Funny stuff..... I'm not sure how I've missed this, but check out The Exorcist in 30 Seconds (and re-enacted by bunnies). I know, I know.... WTF? There is also The Shining and Titanic (both also in 30 Seconds and, of course, re-enacted by bunnies).
Yeah, I had fun, and I'm still in a pretty good mood, for now. That'll probably change as usual. But for now, not too bad.
Had a good time with my family. I like to visit them.
I'm not sure what's up with your guy friend. What kind of a friend is he anyways? What do you expect from him? Maybe he's getting the wrong idea or something. Not sure what's going on there. Sorry.
Hope your week goes pretty good. Talk to ya later.
I don't know if that made sense or anything, but I don't like my feelings getting fucked around with, ya know? It just happens all the time.
No plans this week, but going to the SG burlequse show Saturday. Can't wait for that.