My friend and her 2 kids left yesterday.... I'm having 8 friends over for dinner on Tuesday and a friend is flying in to town on Thursday. My house is a wreck.... well, not really a wreck but stuff is all over the place where it doesn't belong (due to the kids playing with stuff), my yard is trashed (the kids chasing lizards all damn day).... I have so much to do but I'm feeling like it should be a lazy Sunday and I can't seem to get my ass off this computer. Thank god tomorrow is a holiday 

I don't have a special room. I just have a one bedroom apartment, so I don't have a dungeon, yet. I want one though. Something like this would be ok.
There's nothing wrong with being spoiled.
I can store my implements of discipline at your house? Oh, so you can use them any time you want? You are a naughty girl.