What is that quote about the "best laid plans?" Something like "the best laid plans often go awry."
So, I had Saturday all planned out.... ready to finish my bathroom. Everything was fairly smooth (including all the time spent fitting the sink into the vanity, which took longer than expected). I did have to go to Lowe's and get some stuff (including paint) which didn't take that long until I realized they had charged me $30 for a $2 item. So, that took a while... and then my mom and I kicked around a little and when we arrived at my house, we discovered the paint lid was not on securely and it had spilled all over my mom's trunk. Stupid Lowe's girl was too busy flirting with her co-worker. Lucikly my mom is cool as hell and isn't too bothered about her trunk.... we did manage to get a lot of it cleaned up, but it definitely put off our painting because by the time we were done with that, it was 5pm. On Sunday, I tried to start painting myself and it's not working very well..... that's why my mom was helping in the first place... she knows paint, I don't. But, I'm impatient and didn't want to wait.
So, I'm rather annoyed with Lowe's right now (they knew about the pricing problem from earlier in the week and no one had bothered to fix it). Both Lowe's and Home Depot are about the same distance from my house. Shit happens, I guess.....
On the up side, I had to go to Target yesterday (to get some painkillers for the helluva headache painting with little ventilation gave me) and I discovered these things called Uncrustables. I've seen the ads before but have never tried them, but I was feeling a little snacky, so what the hell. Basically they're PB and J in the shape on a circle so that the crust is cut off. And they're pretty damn good too! I am a peanut butter fiend. I love it. I can eat it by the spoonful (which is why I don't often buy it). And even though I am not a fan of white bread, they are yummy little things. Yeah, I know.... I'm easily amused
So, I had Saturday all planned out.... ready to finish my bathroom. Everything was fairly smooth (including all the time spent fitting the sink into the vanity, which took longer than expected). I did have to go to Lowe's and get some stuff (including paint) which didn't take that long until I realized they had charged me $30 for a $2 item. So, that took a while... and then my mom and I kicked around a little and when we arrived at my house, we discovered the paint lid was not on securely and it had spilled all over my mom's trunk. Stupid Lowe's girl was too busy flirting with her co-worker. Lucikly my mom is cool as hell and isn't too bothered about her trunk.... we did manage to get a lot of it cleaned up, but it definitely put off our painting because by the time we were done with that, it was 5pm. On Sunday, I tried to start painting myself and it's not working very well..... that's why my mom was helping in the first place... she knows paint, I don't. But, I'm impatient and didn't want to wait.
So, I'm rather annoyed with Lowe's right now (they knew about the pricing problem from earlier in the week and no one had bothered to fix it). Both Lowe's and Home Depot are about the same distance from my house. Shit happens, I guess.....
On the up side, I had to go to Target yesterday (to get some painkillers for the helluva headache painting with little ventilation gave me) and I discovered these things called Uncrustables. I've seen the ads before but have never tried them, but I was feeling a little snacky, so what the hell. Basically they're PB and J in the shape on a circle so that the crust is cut off. And they're pretty damn good too! I am a peanut butter fiend. I love it. I can eat it by the spoonful (which is why I don't often buy it). And even though I am not a fan of white bread, they are yummy little things. Yeah, I know.... I'm easily amused

I ended up going out Friday night and got a "wee" bit tanked. Ok, I got hammered. Anyways, by the time everyone got together Saturday and finally arrived in Tampa, it was already 3:30. Well, the group of friends I was with wanted to go to Busch Gardens. So, we went there and rode roller coasters until the place closed. Needless to say, by the time we got back to the hotel, there was not enough time left to get my piercing or tat. We finally went to the Castle around 11:30 that night. I was so exhausted that I ended up sitting around staring aimlessly at people. I went home kind of early...gods, i'm so lame!
Btw, Lowe's sucks! Stick with Home Depot.
1. n: the state of being a fuck while at the same time illustrating the qualities of a mentally challenged personel, or, presently, a retard
2. n: one's innate ability to illustrate extreme dumbassness/bitchiness, even beyond the scopes of a normal fuck and/or retard
3. n: one who repeatedly and liberally uses the word "Doop"
Gee! That sure was a great game of monopoly, and... HOLY SHIT, LOOK AT THAT FUCKTARD