The huge number of college classes tht are available online now have really changed the way I look at and approach school. Many years ago, I did a few semesters where I would start a class and never finish because something inevitably got in my way (usually work). Then I got to where I am usually doing 5 different things at the same time at work and sitting through a 2 hour class seemed nightmarish to me. Can you say ADD? Not really, but it is hard for me to waste my time on something that bores me and presents no challenge.
So now, every semester, I find myself taking classes that might interest me moreso than something that will help me finish school sooner. And why shouldn't I? I'm 32, have a career already and am paying for this on my own. It's not as if I'm going to finish school and then change jobs..... or find a better job. School is just something I want to do.... how geeky is that? I utimately end up stressing over something (usually my own procrastination) and these classes are never really going to get me anywhere. Then again, my aunt (who is in her early 40's) still takes classes..... maybe being a student for life runs in the family. Of course I always thought I was more a student of life. Breakfast time! And only one more day til the weekend
So now, every semester, I find myself taking classes that might interest me moreso than something that will help me finish school sooner. And why shouldn't I? I'm 32, have a career already and am paying for this on my own. It's not as if I'm going to finish school and then change jobs..... or find a better job. School is just something I want to do.... how geeky is that? I utimately end up stressing over something (usually my own procrastination) and these classes are never really going to get me anywhere. Then again, my aunt (who is in her early 40's) still takes classes..... maybe being a student for life runs in the family. Of course I always thought I was more a student of life. Breakfast time! And only one more day til the weekend

Btw, you need to lie to the 8 year will give him some early life lessons. Ok, well, maybe not. But, think of how fun it could be!
I'm all kinds of excited about the weekend, also. Going to head to the castle in Ybor on Saturday night. Maybe get another piercing and a tattoo during the day.
On a lighter note, you will have to continue smoking cloves now and, yes, being a "geek" is cool!