So, through some crazy acts of fate, Andrew found a house for us. Hmmm... and you wonder why I go by (and love the word) serendipitous? I haven't seen the place, but I trust him to find a place that is up to par and my ana-retentive self sent him a list of pre-reqs that we had agreed upon before he saw the inside.
W/D or hookups - Check! I refuse to do laundry in a laundromat anymore.
Dishwasher - He's not sure, but that was a desire more than anything and many older houses in G-ville don't have one.
Fenced yard for the pup - Check! The place has a nice tree line in the back and then backs into a park. Woot!
Hardwod floors - Check! His thing, not really mine.
Kitchen - Check! Yes, it has a kitchen, smartass! I meant a nice sized kitchen as we both cook.
Porch - Check! What can I say... some of my fondest memories of his old, old house were of us swinging on the porch swing. Or sitting on the swing before last year's hurricanes. I love a nice porch and this one in enclosed with an entrance to the house and an exit to the backyard and it has jalousie windows!
Water pressure - who knows... he didn't check it out. It I can't take a good shower, I'm beating him!
Countdown to baby... My dear sister in law StarCat is due any day now. I have said since day one, "Turkey Day" but I'm starting to rethink that. With my first niece, it was all too convenient... 4th of July, got a message an hour before I woke up. I'm rethinking that this one might be 4am on a work day... not that that mattres because work can go to hell over this and they know it. It would be too easy if the were both born at a nice, reasonable hour on a day off. Hmmmmm... this one might be the troublemaker.
Speaking of children... my mom nailed me the other day about moving... she thinks moving will delay us having a family since Andrew's going to grad school. I had to tell her I'm undecided about kids right now because it is damn hard! I've not mentioned to her before because it never really came up and I knew it would upset her. She has never once pressured or hinted about me having kids. But she knows I love children and always thought I wanted kids. Then came my niece, who is damn good mind you, and I realized it's not only as hard as "they" say, but a hell of a lot harder. So Andrew's school coupled with my continuing school... I had to tell her that I needed to finish school before I could do that regardless and that it 2 plus years left... Honestly, he has a better chance of finishing grad school before I finish my BA... but she's blaming this on him. well, not blaming because she really does like him (right Bec??) but know she's not happy that we're moving away. Blech... mothers. I mean I adore my mom, but sometimes life presents you with the chance to move (less than 2 hours away) an it seems quite doable. Sometimes I wish she were accepting of the move and the boy as his parents are of me. I mean they're excited for me... I haven't gotten anything less than a grunt from her since I told her about this... not that I really expected more because we tend to bottle our sorrow, but still.... This is a time when I need her to back me because I'm going to be sad about moving away from my family and you just need support at times like that, no?
On a happier note, we saw "Harry Potter" this weekend which was awesome. I don't have a favorite HP movie or book, but this was as good as the others. If you likes the previous ones, see it.
"Rent" opens on Wednesday. I think I'm doomed to see it alone. Andrew has said he will see it with me, but I almost don't want him to. I kind of expect this movie to suck, as 98.5% of movies based on musicals in the lst 30 years have sucked. "Rent" is quite personal to me though... it is based on "La Boheme" but is about people living in NYC in the 90s. It was released in '96 and many of the characters (and thus the crux of it) have AIDS. One of my oldest and dearest friends dies that same year from AIDS. Maybe I wouldn't feel so drawn to it if it weren't for him. So I have always felt personally drawn to it because of him... and I have loved it because of him because it describes AIDS as "living with not dying from AIDS," which my friend did not do. So when I hear music from it or hen I saw it live, I think of Jaime. How can I not? He was the most amazing guy, the most amazing friend and he died too damn young.... hearing music from "Rent" makes me think of Jaime and that makes me teary-eyed.... always. And Andrew might mock the movie... maybe even rightfully so.. and I'm not sure I want to hear that when I have teenage memories running through my head... or 20-something pain from a friend dying from a horrible disease. So, I plan on seeing it alone... and remembering him and mourning his lost years.... as much as I hate to say it (because I never want to quote Billy Joel), "Only the good die young."
Past hurts might suck, but the present is pretty damn cool...
W/D or hookups - Check! I refuse to do laundry in a laundromat anymore.
Dishwasher - He's not sure, but that was a desire more than anything and many older houses in G-ville don't have one.
Fenced yard for the pup - Check! The place has a nice tree line in the back and then backs into a park. Woot!
Hardwod floors - Check! His thing, not really mine.
Kitchen - Check! Yes, it has a kitchen, smartass! I meant a nice sized kitchen as we both cook.
Porch - Check! What can I say... some of my fondest memories of his old, old house were of us swinging on the porch swing. Or sitting on the swing before last year's hurricanes. I love a nice porch and this one in enclosed with an entrance to the house and an exit to the backyard and it has jalousie windows!
Water pressure - who knows... he didn't check it out. It I can't take a good shower, I'm beating him!

Countdown to baby... My dear sister in law StarCat is due any day now. I have said since day one, "Turkey Day" but I'm starting to rethink that. With my first niece, it was all too convenient... 4th of July, got a message an hour before I woke up. I'm rethinking that this one might be 4am on a work day... not that that mattres because work can go to hell over this and they know it. It would be too easy if the were both born at a nice, reasonable hour on a day off. Hmmmmm... this one might be the troublemaker.

Speaking of children... my mom nailed me the other day about moving... she thinks moving will delay us having a family since Andrew's going to grad school. I had to tell her I'm undecided about kids right now because it is damn hard! I've not mentioned to her before because it never really came up and I knew it would upset her. She has never once pressured or hinted about me having kids. But she knows I love children and always thought I wanted kids. Then came my niece, who is damn good mind you, and I realized it's not only as hard as "they" say, but a hell of a lot harder. So Andrew's school coupled with my continuing school... I had to tell her that I needed to finish school before I could do that regardless and that it 2 plus years left... Honestly, he has a better chance of finishing grad school before I finish my BA... but she's blaming this on him. well, not blaming because she really does like him (right Bec??) but know she's not happy that we're moving away. Blech... mothers. I mean I adore my mom, but sometimes life presents you with the chance to move (less than 2 hours away) an it seems quite doable. Sometimes I wish she were accepting of the move and the boy as his parents are of me. I mean they're excited for me... I haven't gotten anything less than a grunt from her since I told her about this... not that I really expected more because we tend to bottle our sorrow, but still.... This is a time when I need her to back me because I'm going to be sad about moving away from my family and you just need support at times like that, no?
On a happier note, we saw "Harry Potter" this weekend which was awesome. I don't have a favorite HP movie or book, but this was as good as the others. If you likes the previous ones, see it.
"Rent" opens on Wednesday. I think I'm doomed to see it alone. Andrew has said he will see it with me, but I almost don't want him to. I kind of expect this movie to suck, as 98.5% of movies based on musicals in the lst 30 years have sucked. "Rent" is quite personal to me though... it is based on "La Boheme" but is about people living in NYC in the 90s. It was released in '96 and many of the characters (and thus the crux of it) have AIDS. One of my oldest and dearest friends dies that same year from AIDS. Maybe I wouldn't feel so drawn to it if it weren't for him. So I have always felt personally drawn to it because of him... and I have loved it because of him because it describes AIDS as "living with not dying from AIDS," which my friend did not do. So when I hear music from it or hen I saw it live, I think of Jaime. How can I not? He was the most amazing guy, the most amazing friend and he died too damn young.... hearing music from "Rent" makes me think of Jaime and that makes me teary-eyed.... always. And Andrew might mock the movie... maybe even rightfully so.. and I'm not sure I want to hear that when I have teenage memories running through my head... or 20-something pain from a friend dying from a horrible disease. So, I plan on seeing it alone... and remembering him and mourning his lost years.... as much as I hate to say it (because I never want to quote Billy Joel), "Only the good die young."
Past hurts might suck, but the present is pretty damn cool...
( ) I've Never Been Drunk
( ) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
( ) I've Never Crashed A Friend's Car
( ) I've Never Been To Japan
( ) I've Never Been In A Taxi
( ) I've Never Been In Love
( ) I've Never Had Sex In Public
( ) I've Never Been Dumped
( ) I've Never Done Cocaine
( ) I've Never Shoplifted
( ) I've Never Been Fired
( ) I've Never Been In A Fist Fight
( ) I've Never Had Group Intercourse (threesome)
( ) I've Never Snuck Out Of My Parent's House
( ) I've Never Been Tied Up
( ) I've Never Regretted Having Sex With Someone
( ) I've Never Been Arrested
( ) I've Never Made Out With A Stranger
( ) I've Never Stolen Something From My Job
(X) I've Never Celebrated New Years In Time Square
( ) I've Never Gone On A Blind Date
( ) I've Never Lied To A Friend
( ) I've Never Had A Crush On A Teacher
(X) I've Never Celebrated Mardi-Gras In New Orleans
( ) I've Never Been To Europe
( ) I've Never Skipped School
(x) I've Never Slept With A Co-Worker
( ) I've Never Cut Myself On Purpose
( ) I've Never Had Sex At The Office
( ) I've Never Been Married
( ) I've Never Been Divorced
( ) I've Never Had Sex With More Than One Person Within The Same Week
(x) I've Never Posed Nude
( ) I've Never Gotten Someone Drunk Just To Have Sex With Them
( ) I've Never Killed Anyone
( ) I've Never Received a hickey From My Sex Partner
( ) I've Never Thrown Up In A Bar
( )I've Never Purposely Set A Part Of Myself On Fire
( ) I've Never Eaten Sushi
( ) I've Never Been Snowboarding
( ) I've Never Had Sex At A Friend's House
( ) I've Never Had Sex In A Dressing Room
(x) I've Never Flashed Anyone
P.S. i stole this from
(x ) I've Never Been Arrested
( x) I've Never Made Out With A Stranger
(x ) I've Never Had Sex At The Office
( x) I've Never Gone On A Blind Date
(x ) I've Never Had Sex At A Friend's House