The past month has been like bullshit and daisies all in one. The bullshit being that I lost my two best friends to a mental disability caused by sex. Heres the story: I introduced them, and both being lonely and insecure, they hooked up. Erikas gettin out of an abusive 5yr relationship/divorce (and is NEVER single), and Tyler...well he's just lonely. Anyways, I tried to deal with it but it changes things for sure, like what you can talk about and the time spent with your best friends. Basically I was abandoned, and me being me, I don't let BS just sit their and stink up my life, so I confronted it which led to some nasty phone conversations and unfortunately text fighting. I'm over it , I'M FLUSHING THIS BS DOWN THE TOILET!
Oh yes, and the daisies.... I got laid last night, not gonna lie, Luv Luv this man, its a shame long distance relationships don't work because I could get used to this again
Oh yes, and the daisies.... I got laid last night, not gonna lie, Luv Luv this man, its a shame long distance relationships don't work because I could get used to this again
Forget the rest sweetie.
Smell the flowers life throws your way!