U2 last night was pretty disappointing. I wasn't even really excited for it, but I went with one of my BFFs who's the biggest fan I know, yet has never actually seen them live (kind of a Polkaroo situation..."I missed 'em again!"). Felt obligated to go...otherwise I would have, and in hindsight should have sold them and made a billion dollars.
Larry Mullen Jr. might as well change his name to Larry Mullet because that's what he was sporting. Why? Fuck if I know. Then Bono lost his voice, forgot some words, and it was downhill from there. However, they did play The Fly, Bad, One, and With or Without You, so I was a happy panty bear.
On top of the pooey sound, it took almost 2 hours to make the 35-minute drive downtown because I'm pretty sure every single suburban white person with a car was driving to the concert...wtf yo...traffic was gay sauce and I was sad to miss Dashboard because I wanted to cry emo...or somethin. I was really glad that Arcade Fire wasn't opening because I woulda been REALLY pissed to miss them. Fuckwit drivers ruining everything...but oooh they used Wake Up to bring U2 out on the stage...that actually was prolly my favourite part of the whole show.
I applied for a job at the Air Canada Centre last night too...my friend works in the suites and they're hiring for hostesses. She's been there since '99 so obviously it is a good job. And golf ends soon...so yeah, I need something new. It would be great though because I'll be working at a firm in Toronto so if I worked at the ACC then I wouldn't have to drive home in rush hour afterwards. I would make Jeff let me stay at his house and steal his Comfy Pillow of Fury, which I always do, and it would be wicked times for everyone. Oooooh ahhh. I love the future.
I hate that my camera is broken and they said it would take two months to fix it...what the crap is that? Now I can't pepper my journal with artistic cuteness. How will any of you remember what I even look like? Your world will crumble and you'll be miserable.
No, for real though.
Jack Johnson (or as Jeff calls him, Mr. Sleepy...
) is on Saturday and I'm excited because I will be really fucking stoned and I think that's great. Even more exciting is the fact that Fifty50, world champion awesome brother, will be home tomorrow and I will look like
for the whole week till he abandons us again. Saddle up Princess Teefnostis, 'cos W-A-L-J, here we come!
Larry Mullen Jr. might as well change his name to Larry Mullet because that's what he was sporting. Why? Fuck if I know. Then Bono lost his voice, forgot some words, and it was downhill from there. However, they did play The Fly, Bad, One, and With or Without You, so I was a happy panty bear.
On top of the pooey sound, it took almost 2 hours to make the 35-minute drive downtown because I'm pretty sure every single suburban white person with a car was driving to the concert...wtf yo...traffic was gay sauce and I was sad to miss Dashboard because I wanted to cry emo...or somethin. I was really glad that Arcade Fire wasn't opening because I woulda been REALLY pissed to miss them. Fuckwit drivers ruining everything...but oooh they used Wake Up to bring U2 out on the stage...that actually was prolly my favourite part of the whole show.
I applied for a job at the Air Canada Centre last night too...my friend works in the suites and they're hiring for hostesses. She's been there since '99 so obviously it is a good job. And golf ends soon...so yeah, I need something new. It would be great though because I'll be working at a firm in Toronto so if I worked at the ACC then I wouldn't have to drive home in rush hour afterwards. I would make Jeff let me stay at his house and steal his Comfy Pillow of Fury, which I always do, and it would be wicked times for everyone. Oooooh ahhh. I love the future.
I hate that my camera is broken and they said it would take two months to fix it...what the crap is that? Now I can't pepper my journal with artistic cuteness. How will any of you remember what I even look like? Your world will crumble and you'll be miserable.
No, for real though.
Jack Johnson (or as Jeff calls him, Mr. Sleepy...


Too bad we're such good friends.
Wookie orgasm!