So here is the situation...I know this is going to sound retarded, but my iPod (number 7) is SERIOUSLY toasted. Like, it literally burned my hand. Apple wants $397 to repair it (I'm not joking) and I can't afford that or a new one. I also can't live without my little buddy.
So help me out and get one free for yourself while you're at it. There's this website that gives them can click on it below but I shall elaborate first. My friend Kiley got hers in the mail already so it's not bullshit. I've seen this offer before, but A) it wasn't valid in Canada then, and B) I assumed it was fake. Well, now I know it's not, because she has hers and says it only took 3 weeks to get there. So I just signed up.
The only catch is I need 5 people to sign up for free accounts too. Then they ship my pod and I can be happy again.
Basically you log in and then register for an offer of your choice...I picked Columbia House. Yes you have to sign up with them and get some DVDs, but seriously, it's like the greatest free thing ever: a 20GB iPod Photo with colour screen. Which is like, the second best one they make. So you save yourself like $400.
So PLEASE help me out cuz I MISS MY IPOD!
I will love you forever.
Sar bear
Click here and don't change the URL or I don't get my referral!
THANKS! xoxo
So help me out and get one free for yourself while you're at it. There's this website that gives them can click on it below but I shall elaborate first. My friend Kiley got hers in the mail already so it's not bullshit. I've seen this offer before, but A) it wasn't valid in Canada then, and B) I assumed it was fake. Well, now I know it's not, because she has hers and says it only took 3 weeks to get there. So I just signed up.
The only catch is I need 5 people to sign up for free accounts too. Then they ship my pod and I can be happy again.
Basically you log in and then register for an offer of your choice...I picked Columbia House. Yes you have to sign up with them and get some DVDs, but seriously, it's like the greatest free thing ever: a 20GB iPod Photo with colour screen. Which is like, the second best one they make. So you save yourself like $400.
So PLEASE help me out cuz I MISS MY IPOD!
I will love you forever.
Sar bear
Click here and don't change the URL or I don't get my referral!
THANKS! xoxo
down for the ipod stuff. come to my underwear party sunday night
why thank you lady Seratonin. Glad to make your eyeballs happy on this lovely, saturday now, but you get the point