Le sigh.
I feel like what's happening to SG is kinda like autumn, in a way...in the spring/summer, all the leaves were on the trees. Everything smelled like fresh blossoms, there was lots of sunshine, and people hung out on patios drinking beer. Similarly, in the spring/summer, all the SGs were still here looking beautiful and tanned, smiling and writing journals about drunken exploits (oh Shera...) and being cute.
But a little while ago, a cold front (or perhaps a hurricane or two) swept through, and many of the leaves changed colour and fell, one by one, to the ground below, where they were stepped upon and raked into bags as if they never looked beautiful and never meant anything to anyone.
In about a month, my membership will expire. Winter's coming to SG...can you smell the snow?
I feel like what's happening to SG is kinda like autumn, in a way...in the spring/summer, all the leaves were on the trees. Everything smelled like fresh blossoms, there was lots of sunshine, and people hung out on patios drinking beer. Similarly, in the spring/summer, all the SGs were still here looking beautiful and tanned, smiling and writing journals about drunken exploits (oh Shera...) and being cute.
But a little while ago, a cold front (or perhaps a hurricane or two) swept through, and many of the leaves changed colour and fell, one by one, to the ground below, where they were stepped upon and raked into bags as if they never looked beautiful and never meant anything to anyone.
In about a month, my membership will expire. Winter's coming to SG...can you smell the snow?