OOOOOHHHHH! Yay! I am excited about my new set!
Anais is wonderful! She knows what I like. Lots of fun, this one. This is how amazing she is, She had a broken foot and still tromped around the sanctuary to shoot dificult angles. Hats off to her.
Funny thing about stumbling upon naked women in the forest, There actually was an old man with his dog. It was shocking really. His dog just jumped in the water with me, Completely unoffended by my nudity. I think the old man however was a bit stifled. Amazing isn't it?
And no, I wasn't cold. My face however seemed to be malfunctioning. Whenever I'm thinking or having fun, my face says otherwise. Some day I should practice in a mirror.
I was pointing at the magical pool of red lipstick that was bleeding from the log. You couldn't see it because it was invisible. Only naked forest nymphs know where they are.
But when we apply it to our face, humans can see it!
I'll tell you where it was taken. The place where humans have not yet destroyed.
Anais is wonderful! She knows what I like. Lots of fun, this one. This is how amazing she is, She had a broken foot and still tromped around the sanctuary to shoot dificult angles. Hats off to her.
Funny thing about stumbling upon naked women in the forest, There actually was an old man with his dog. It was shocking really. His dog just jumped in the water with me, Completely unoffended by my nudity. I think the old man however was a bit stifled. Amazing isn't it?
And no, I wasn't cold. My face however seemed to be malfunctioning. Whenever I'm thinking or having fun, my face says otherwise. Some day I should practice in a mirror.
I was pointing at the magical pool of red lipstick that was bleeding from the log. You couldn't see it because it was invisible. Only naked forest nymphs know where they are.
But when we apply it to our face, humans can see it!
I'll tell you where it was taken. The place where humans have not yet destroyed.
onatta falls is great fun...I like swimming under the waterfall & jumping in the pool from the cliffs...I miss anaias...think I'll have to visit her at the kalsport...

just stoped in randomly to say hello