well i didn't get the course i was hoping for. it's a long strange story about qualifications. the short form is i didn't have a course that i didn't have a basic communications course that you need to get on it but i do have the advanced communications but for some reason it wasn't enough so next week i start the basic course and after that i do the other one. it's not a big deal, i guess the weather will improve a bit by the time it starts so that is a bonus. also i will be busy doing courses so i odn't have to go on the sovereignty operation which is awesome. on a sov op you are sent to the arctic and spend a week or two freezing your ass off, so i can't help but feel i dodged that bullet.
More Blogs
Sunday Aug 27, 2006
I've spent most this weekend recovering from friday night. i don't… -
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Monday Aug 21, 2006
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Saturday Aug 19, 2006
The guys are on tehir way home. first group got in last night and i'm… -
Monday Aug 14, 2006
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Thursday Aug 10, 2006
i had another physio appointment today for my back. I was happy to he… -
Tuesday Aug 08, 2006
here we go, first blog post ever. i just took possesion of my new …