yesterday was vaccination day for the K-man. i was worried how he'd behave becasue he has been bad latley. i think he is going through the puppy version of teh terrible two's. anyway we got there early so we had to wait and he was so well behaved i couldn't believe it. he sat patiently without making a sound. i see his game now. around me he is the kuminator and tehn when other people are around he all sweet and cuddly. my dog is one twisted bastard. when it was time for his shot he was so preoccupied with a cookie the vet gave him that he didn't even notice the needle, so i tried that technique today to get him out of his harness but he screamed so loud that i think the whole building thought i was trying to murder him.
A Rant In B Minor
I've lately been in some of the music group message boards and i'm confused. i thought they were a place where people could talk about what they really like at the moment but everytime i read a thread there is always at least one lonley pathetic asshole who seems like he is sitting in his parents basement on the internet connection that they pay for just waiting for the chance to jump all over someone for listening to something which he deems uncool. how can someone have the wrong opinion on what they like? if this is you i'm telling you this as a friend. dude, seriously, get a life. music is something that is supposed to bring enjoyment to people and by making judgements or cutting people down for not having the infinite musical wisdon which you have been so blessed with you sre not doing yourself or anyone else any favors. what good can come about by making people self conscious about what they listen to. in closing before you hammer on someone next time all i ask it that you pause, take a moment to reflect on what you are about to do, and think about whats sadder the fact that people have the courage to admit what they like( we all have guilty pleasures), or the fact that you are sitting there listening to something obscure telling yourself how cool you are for it a slagging those who are enjoying true musical freedom. that is all
A Rant In B Minor
I've lately been in some of the music group message boards and i'm confused. i thought they were a place where people could talk about what they really like at the moment but everytime i read a thread there is always at least one lonley pathetic asshole who seems like he is sitting in his parents basement on the internet connection that they pay for just waiting for the chance to jump all over someone for listening to something which he deems uncool. how can someone have the wrong opinion on what they like? if this is you i'm telling you this as a friend. dude, seriously, get a life. music is something that is supposed to bring enjoyment to people and by making judgements or cutting people down for not having the infinite musical wisdon which you have been so blessed with you sre not doing yourself or anyone else any favors. what good can come about by making people self conscious about what they listen to. in closing before you hammer on someone next time all i ask it that you pause, take a moment to reflect on what you are about to do, and think about whats sadder the fact that people have the courage to admit what they like( we all have guilty pleasures), or the fact that you are sitting there listening to something obscure telling yourself how cool you are for it a slagging those who are enjoying true musical freedom. that is all
WElll said! lol - I really like the Backstreet boyS! hahah, no lie! I paid 400 dollars to go and see them in Calgary! Woo... now thats sweet!