Last night my whole platoon got together for a party. it was good to be with everyone again, it really put my mind at ease. i was disappointed though becasue i couldn't stay out late. i had to be up for work at 3 am this morning and i put in over 12 hours. i had to work a checkpoint for a marathon and it was a very long day because there were a lot of out of shape people running the race. i shouldn't even say running. they came in like 4 or 5 hours behind the average competitor and when they passed our checkpoint they weren't even sweating. whats the point if you don't get any exercise. anyone can walk a marathon. i did the math and one person was traveling at a rate of 3 km per hour. you can't even walk that slow on purpose. i guess thats whats wrong with our military. i ran this race last year and it was one of the hardest things i've done, and it cheapens it when it takes people like 10 to 12 hours to do. the winner finished in under 5. i understand the need for self gratification but maybe just try actually running 3 km straight first. donh't walk it in a full day and tehn convince yourself you are fit and you can sit around for another year eating donuts and drinking coffee. the military has fitness standards for a reason and i am living proof of that. its just too bad we don't enforce them. sorry if i come off harsh but i've seen what happens and its never these people that get hurt. its the ones who have to pull their weight.
ok that was a pretty negative post so i will have to say something good now. the last two days have been very inspirational for me. yesterday i saw a friend of mine for the first time since he lost his legs. i was really worried about him and uncomfortable at what i would say to him. it was great seeing him. he was talking about hte prostetics he is gettting and he will be up and running around in no time. he also plans on helping people with similar disabilties. i am very proud to be able to call him a friend. secondly was today during the race. yes there was something very positive but it makes me angrier at the lazy. there is this man who was involved in a bomb accident a few years back. he lost an eye and they almost had to take his leg. he was told he probly wouldn't walk and definately was done being a paratrooper. this man did completed the race today with only one good leg and a sever limp. he refused to quit. he is quite a man. i am proud to be form the same regiment.
ok that was a pretty negative post so i will have to say something good now. the last two days have been very inspirational for me. yesterday i saw a friend of mine for the first time since he lost his legs. i was really worried about him and uncomfortable at what i would say to him. it was great seeing him. he was talking about hte prostetics he is gettting and he will be up and running around in no time. he also plans on helping people with similar disabilties. i am very proud to be able to call him a friend. secondly was today during the race. yes there was something very positive but it makes me angrier at the lazy. there is this man who was involved in a bomb accident a few years back. he lost an eye and they almost had to take his leg. he was told he probly wouldn't walk and definately was done being a paratrooper. this man did completed the race today with only one good leg and a sever limp. he refused to quit. he is quite a man. i am proud to be form the same regiment.