*** hello my darlings***
ah i love days off. today is my only full day off of everything. i started school on wednesday, taking a class in genetics and evolution, my teacher is this rad crazy microbiologist lady who specializes in infectious disease and bacteria. she is so cool. this is the first time i have taken a class in 4 years!! i can't believe it's been that long. i'm pretty nervous that i've forgotton how to study, but luckily i am taking the class with a good friend of mine, and she is super smart, and i know i'll be able to get through it sucessfully. yay!
i finally can talk again, i had lost my voice for like FOUR DAYS! it was crazy, but now my voice is all smoky and sultry, hee hee. and i QUIT SMOKING!!!! it's been 1 1/2 weeks since i last smoked. but just these last couple of days i've been craving it... arg. wish me luck with that people, i intend not to start smoking again.
what's new with you?
ah i love days off. today is my only full day off of everything. i started school on wednesday, taking a class in genetics and evolution, my teacher is this rad crazy microbiologist lady who specializes in infectious disease and bacteria. she is so cool. this is the first time i have taken a class in 4 years!! i can't believe it's been that long. i'm pretty nervous that i've forgotton how to study, but luckily i am taking the class with a good friend of mine, and she is super smart, and i know i'll be able to get through it sucessfully. yay!
i finally can talk again, i had lost my voice for like FOUR DAYS! it was crazy, but now my voice is all smoky and sultry, hee hee. and i QUIT SMOKING!!!! it's been 1 1/2 weeks since i last smoked. but just these last couple of days i've been craving it... arg. wish me luck with that people, i intend not to start smoking again.

what's new with you?
i accidently double post all the time.
and i'm sure everyone is like what an idiot.. double post.
i hope you have a great weekend.
xo annabelle