Does anybody know where i can get a job in the new orleans area or wants to donate even just a quarter to my fund?I need a place to live by may caues my rents are moving to New York and i can't go so im trying to save money and i have only 100.00 right now anybody wanna help?
Your a sweet heart!
hey sweetheart, I'm sorry I can't donate right now, but I get paid soon and I should be able to, anyway, I have somethign I wanted to tell ya, has nothing to do with this, sorry I am putting it here, I had made a decision a while back, I dunno if I told ya or not, but, I plan to become a trucker by the end of the year, have not decided whether to attend the truck driving school in the summer, or wait till after my b-day and go in fall, well, just thought I'd give you a little update since I haven't had a chance to talk with you in a bit (curses the job) well, bye for now