-Name as it appears on birth certificate: karlee amanda tollifson
-Nicknames: karls... i dunno
-Piercings?:bah ears however many times, tongue twice, belly button, frenulum, cheeks, septum, lip.. i think that'd be all
-What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theatre: charlie and the chocolate factory (it was sexy)
-Eye color: brown
-Place of birth: moose jizz
-Ever been to Africa: nope
-Ever been toilet papered: i guess i have yes
-Love someone so much it made you cry: i dont think so, why would i cry because i loved someone?
-Been in a car accident: yes
-Croutons or bacon bits: fake bacon bits
-Favorite day of the week: they're all the same
-Favorite restaurants: none as of late
-Favorite flower: amerilis
-Favorite sport to watch: i dont watch sports
-Favorite drink: was V8, i dunno anymore
-Favorite ice cream: vanilla (SOY ice cream thanks!)
-Disney or Warner Brothers: who cares
-Favorite fast food restaurant: pita pit
-What color is your bedroom carpet: light brown
-How many times did you fail your driver's test: 1
-Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: probably a health food store. because i'm boring.. hmm unless a tattoo place could be considered a store!
-What do you do most often when you are bored: music 24/7 and eat and yoga
-Favorite TV Shows: family guy and makeover ones!
-Last person(s) you went to dinner with? shane maybe, if pita pit counts
-Ford or Chevy: who cares
-What are you listening to right now: PJ Harvey
-Your favorite color: red and black.. i kinda like yellow too
-Lake, ocean, or river: ocean and river!
-How many tattoos do you have: i dont know, 7or 8
-Which came first, the chicken or the egg: uhh, the chicken i spose
-Who is the one person you couldn't live without? At the current moment i dont give a fuck about anyone. except my chinchilla's
-How many marriages do you want in your lifetime? none. ever.
-Are you working your dream job? shit yes. smelly old people bitching about the price of gas, and wearing bandaids all over the place. its sweet!
-Biggest regret: nothin
-Greatest joy: days of work... my life consists of work and sleep. im very boring i must say
-Greatest loss: k this survey got boring fast!
-Favorite holiday: halloween and my birthday! yes my birthday is a holiday
-Favorite season: spring and fall
-Favourite choc bar: none
-Popcorn or chips: neither, banana chips are good though
-Movie out or movie in: in most of the time is better
-Cards or board game: depends
-Ocean or pool side: ocean
-Bagel or toast: both
-Was this too long....yes or no: not but it sucked rank dick
-Spell your first name backwards: eelrak
-The story behind your msn name: its a song lyric firstly, and because someone died secondly
-Where do you live? moose jaw
-Wallet: actually its an ID case thats metal and says "Pit stop nympho" and has a chick with her legs spread
-Hairbrush: i dont brush my hair
-Jewelry worn daily: a few bracelets, a hemp necklace and a metal necklace
What's going on, i thought the survey was suppose to be done
Shoes: old yellow and grey and comfy
Favorite pants: i dunno, i always wear the same pants cuz im a skid
-CD in stereo right now: dunno, im not home. i think its bone thugs though. im a gansta, im a straight up G!
-Piercings: we've been over this thanks!
-What you are wearing right now: murderdolls shirt, black bants with a big shiny buckle(as always)
-Hair: its back in a bandana cuz im a grease ball today
-In my head: i dnunno
-After this: im going to grind some flax and sesame seeds
-Talking to: Angelus_am_i, some farmer, damon, brian
-Some of your favorite movies: drugstore cowboy, house of 1000 corpses, i dunno read my thing you dicks
-Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: moving out of this shithole
-Last thing you ate: pea and lentil soup
-Something that you are afraid of: mold(seriously)
-Do you like candles:only if they aren't beeswax
-Do you like incense: depends what scent
-silver or Gold: silver, golds ugly
-Do you believe in love: yes
-Do you believe in fate: maybe
-Do you believe in soul mates: maybe
-Do you believe in love at first sight: nah
28. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? a pig, i've always wanted one
-What are 2 places you wouldn't mind relocating to? BC, or anywhere such as sweden, norway, amsterdam
-What are some of your favorite pig out foods? nothing anymore really. except i've been making lots of cookie dough lately and eating it before i end up baking it
-What's something you wish you could understand better? ignorance
-Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time? Ursu!
The Last 24 Hours...
-Cried: nope
-Bought something: yes! millions of beans, lentils and vegetable stock
-Got Sick: nope
-Sang: yes
-Eaten: YES
-Been Kissed: nope
-Felt Stupid: nope
-Met someone new: yes
-Moved on: from?
-Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes!
-Had a serious talk: no
-Hugged someone: no
-Fought with your parents: nope
-Dreamed about someone you can't be with: i can be with anyone! slut
Social Life
-Friend(s): do you really think i have friends?
-Guys or Gals: what about them, do i like them? yes im bi
-Hobbies: dick all
-Are you the center of attention or the wallflower? niether
-What type of automobile do you drive: a sexy brown tempo
-Where is the best hang out spot? at a friends
-Do you attend church: no, i dont believe in god
-Do you like being around people? yes if they arent skanky stuck up girls or retarded guys. oh wait. i hate everyone. no i dont like being around people
-Who have you known the longest: crystal! but kylas my longest friend!
-Who do you argue the most with: no one anymore
-Who do you usually always get along with: no one really
yay its over! picture time!
im creepy
... time to grind some seeds!
-Nicknames: karls... i dunno
-Piercings?:bah ears however many times, tongue twice, belly button, frenulum, cheeks, septum, lip.. i think that'd be all
-What is the most recent movie you've seen in the theatre: charlie and the chocolate factory (it was sexy)
-Eye color: brown
-Place of birth: moose jizz
-Ever been to Africa: nope
-Ever been toilet papered: i guess i have yes
-Love someone so much it made you cry: i dont think so, why would i cry because i loved someone?
-Been in a car accident: yes
-Croutons or bacon bits: fake bacon bits
-Favorite day of the week: they're all the same
-Favorite restaurants: none as of late
-Favorite flower: amerilis
-Favorite sport to watch: i dont watch sports
-Favorite drink: was V8, i dunno anymore
-Favorite ice cream: vanilla (SOY ice cream thanks!)
-Disney or Warner Brothers: who cares
-Favorite fast food restaurant: pita pit
-What color is your bedroom carpet: light brown
-How many times did you fail your driver's test: 1
-Which store would you choose to max out your credit card: probably a health food store. because i'm boring.. hmm unless a tattoo place could be considered a store!
-What do you do most often when you are bored: music 24/7 and eat and yoga
-Favorite TV Shows: family guy and makeover ones!
-Last person(s) you went to dinner with? shane maybe, if pita pit counts
-Ford or Chevy: who cares
-What are you listening to right now: PJ Harvey
-Your favorite color: red and black.. i kinda like yellow too
-Lake, ocean, or river: ocean and river!
-How many tattoos do you have: i dont know, 7or 8
-Which came first, the chicken or the egg: uhh, the chicken i spose
-Who is the one person you couldn't live without? At the current moment i dont give a fuck about anyone. except my chinchilla's

-How many marriages do you want in your lifetime? none. ever.
-Are you working your dream job? shit yes. smelly old people bitching about the price of gas, and wearing bandaids all over the place. its sweet!
-Biggest regret: nothin
-Greatest joy: days of work... my life consists of work and sleep. im very boring i must say
-Greatest loss: k this survey got boring fast!
-Favorite holiday: halloween and my birthday! yes my birthday is a holiday
-Favorite season: spring and fall
-Favourite choc bar: none
-Popcorn or chips: neither, banana chips are good though
-Movie out or movie in: in most of the time is better
-Cards or board game: depends
-Ocean or pool side: ocean
-Bagel or toast: both
-Was this too long....yes or no: not but it sucked rank dick
-Spell your first name backwards: eelrak
-The story behind your msn name: its a song lyric firstly, and because someone died secondly
-Where do you live? moose jaw
-Wallet: actually its an ID case thats metal and says "Pit stop nympho" and has a chick with her legs spread
-Hairbrush: i dont brush my hair
-Jewelry worn daily: a few bracelets, a hemp necklace and a metal necklace
What's going on, i thought the survey was suppose to be done
Shoes: old yellow and grey and comfy
Favorite pants: i dunno, i always wear the same pants cuz im a skid
-CD in stereo right now: dunno, im not home. i think its bone thugs though. im a gansta, im a straight up G!
-Piercings: we've been over this thanks!
-What you are wearing right now: murderdolls shirt, black bants with a big shiny buckle(as always)
-Hair: its back in a bandana cuz im a grease ball today
-In my head: i dnunno
-After this: im going to grind some flax and sesame seeds
-Talking to: Angelus_am_i, some farmer, damon, brian
-Some of your favorite movies: drugstore cowboy, house of 1000 corpses, i dunno read my thing you dicks
-Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: moving out of this shithole
-Last thing you ate: pea and lentil soup
-Something that you are afraid of: mold(seriously)
-Do you like candles:only if they aren't beeswax

-Do you like incense: depends what scent
-silver or Gold: silver, golds ugly
-Do you believe in love: yes
-Do you believe in fate: maybe
-Do you believe in soul mates: maybe
-Do you believe in love at first sight: nah
28. If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be? a pig, i've always wanted one
-What are 2 places you wouldn't mind relocating to? BC, or anywhere such as sweden, norway, amsterdam
-What are some of your favorite pig out foods? nothing anymore really. except i've been making lots of cookie dough lately and eating it before i end up baking it
-What's something you wish you could understand better? ignorance
-Anyone you miss that you haven't seen in a long time? Ursu!
The Last 24 Hours...
-Cried: nope
-Bought something: yes! millions of beans, lentils and vegetable stock
-Got Sick: nope
-Sang: yes
-Eaten: YES
-Been Kissed: nope
-Felt Stupid: nope
-Met someone new: yes
-Moved on: from?
-Talked to someone you have a crush on: yes!
-Had a serious talk: no
-Hugged someone: no
-Fought with your parents: nope
-Dreamed about someone you can't be with: i can be with anyone! slut
Social Life
-Friend(s): do you really think i have friends?
-Guys or Gals: what about them, do i like them? yes im bi
-Hobbies: dick all
-Are you the center of attention or the wallflower? niether
-What type of automobile do you drive: a sexy brown tempo
-Where is the best hang out spot? at a friends
-Do you attend church: no, i dont believe in god
-Do you like being around people? yes if they arent skanky stuck up girls or retarded guys. oh wait. i hate everyone. no i dont like being around people
-Who have you known the longest: crystal! but kylas my longest friend!
-Who do you argue the most with: no one anymore
-Who do you usually always get along with: no one really
yay its over! picture time!

im creepy


Move to BC, the west is best. Cliche king am I.
If ya come out this way let me know. Tour Van for a couple days.
-Name: Grant Stephen Logan
-Nicknames: Grunt, Granty Panty
-Piercings: all in my head
-Eyes: Grey
-Place of birth: Prince Rupert, BC
-Where do you live: Coquitlam, BC part of Vancouver
Buh Bye!