There's Fancy, Bo, And Ozzy!
I Think I'm Gunna Get 2 More! A Beige And A Calico.
When I Move On The 15th I'll No Longer Have The Internet nor a computer. So im debating buying a laptop, but i dont wanna spend money on that! what to do, what to do!? and i am left in a deep ponder...
now for your viewing pleasure, here's some really old pictures
(grad a year ago-ish)
An unhappy karlee. i just realised it looks like my hair is overpowering my head
i think this was a couple months after i got my dreads, i dont know
and last but not least.. a big mistake when i was 14 or 15 and bleached my hair... i look interesting

There's Fancy, Bo, And Ozzy!
I Think I'm Gunna Get 2 More! A Beige And A Calico.
When I Move On The 15th I'll No Longer Have The Internet nor a computer. So im debating buying a laptop, but i dont wanna spend money on that! what to do, what to do!? and i am left in a deep ponder...

now for your viewing pleasure, here's some really old pictures

(grad a year ago-ish)

An unhappy karlee. i just realised it looks like my hair is overpowering my head

i think this was a couple months after i got my dreads, i dont know

and last but not least.. a big mistake when i was 14 or 15 and bleached my hair... i look interesting


your pets arwe kinda neat how big do they get??? and um what are they exactly or are they chins. i dont know much about animals. the photos are awesome

chincillas! o0o you are my favoritist person in the world right now! I love those lil guys. if i come back as an animal I shall be Chiko the Desert Rat. it would be sweet. dust baths for all!