I haven't updated in like 20 days! hmm well i got a chinchilla a few weeks ago! Mr. Gerald Bojangles(i didnt name him haha) but he's just "bo" for short. im to lazy to put up pictures, he's so cute and fat though. And i finally weened myself off of wearing fake eyelashes
that makes me sooo happy too. it was getting too be too much effort putting them on every single day! I'm sure i'll get obsessed with them again soon though. 2 more sessions and my sleeve will be complete!(hopefully) im going today to get some of it done. And psycho city sucks balls, i never plan on going there again after my star touchups. maybe they should write down peoples appointments so that 3 weeks down the road i dont show up and have to make another appointment for another 3 weeks after that. fuckers! I'm gettin skull cherries on my neck soon too. well that's all i feel like talking about


Your hometown is MJ?!?!?!?!?!? I grew up there. Dude. Seriously. We should talk. Send me something through contact and we'll hook it up. This is nuts. I love it.
Anywhores... Missy sends you an email. If you are rejected, she'll say that she can't use you for the site at this time and offer you a year of free membership, and you can't submit another set for 3 months. You aren't told why the set was rejected. Good luck tho. I'm still trying....
And yes... MJ does suck balls... the freaking casino (Casino Moose Jaw??? wtf...) just makes it more gay and I can't stand old people. Seriously. haha anyways, enough ranting. You should like, move to Stoon and hang out with me.